Identifier: Text-200712194
Title: Strength, stress-stain and bulk modulus parameters for finite element analyses of stresses and movements in soil masses
Creator(s): Duncan, James M.; Byrne, Peter M.; Wong, Kai S.; Mabry, Phillip
Identifier: Text-201401312
Title: Modeling flow liquefaction and pore water redistribution mechanisms
Creator(s): Naesgaard, E.; Byrne, Peter M.; Seid-Karbasi, S. M.
Identifier: Text-201404306
Title: Modeling of soil-foundation-structure interaction of an instrumented bridge pier using FLAC
Creator(s): Ghalibafian, Houman; Ventura, Carlos E.; Byrne, Peter M.
Identifier: Text-201407114
Title: Liquefaction analysis of the wildlife site
Creator(s): McIntyre, J. D.; Byrne, Peter M.
Identifier: Text-201504062
Title: Predicted and observed liquefaction induced deformations of La Palma
Creator(s): Jitno, Hendra; Byrne, Peter M.
Identifier: Text-201505016
Title: Static and dynamic engineering soil parameters and constitutive relations of soils - general report - session I
Creator(s): Byrne, Peter M.; Yan, Li
Identifier: Text-LIB050290
Title: Strength, stress-strain and bulk modulus parameters for finite element analyses of stresses and movements in soil masses
Creator(s): Duncan, James M.; Byrne, Peter M.; Wong, Kai S.; Mabry, Phillip
Identifier: Text-S26385
Title: Earthquake design in Richmond, British Columbia
Creator(s): Byrne, Peter M.; Anderson, Donald L.
Identifier: Text-S26386
Title: Seismic stability of a tailings impoundment on soft clayey silt deposits
Creator(s): Byrne, Peter M.
Identifier: Text-S29824
Title: Earthquake design in Richmond, B.C. : Version II
Creator(s): Byrne, Peter M.; Anderson, Donald L.
Identifier: Text-S30989
Title: Prediction of P-Y curves from pressuremeter tests and finite element analyses
Creator(s): Atukorala, U.; Byrne, Peter M.