Identifier: Text-2005121321
Title: Pipeline Design to Resist Large Fault Displacement
Creator(s): Newmark, Nathan M.; Hall, William J.
Identifier: Text-200603142
Title: Seismic design criteria for nuclear reactor facilities
Creator(s): Newmark, Nathan M.; Hall, William J.
Identifier: Text-200605236
Title: Engineering report on the Caracas earthquake of 29 July 1967
Creator(s): Sozen, Mete A.; Jennings, Paul C.; Matthiesen, R. B.; Housner, George W.; Newmark, Nathan M.
Identifier: Text-200606272
Title: Comparison of building response and free field motion in earthquakes
Creator(s): Newmark, Nathan M.; Hall, William J.; Morgan, James R.
Identifier: Text-200607132
Title: Aseismic design of firmly founded elastic structures
Creator(s): Goodman, Lawrence E.; Rosenblueth, Emilio; Newmark, Nathan M.
Identifier: Text-2006091413
Title: Effects of earthquakes on dams and embankments
Creator(s): Newmark, Nathan M.
Identifier: Text-200702221
Title: Inelastic spectra for seismic design
Creator(s): Newmark, Nathan M.; Riddell, Rafael
Identifier: Text-2009022310
Title: Statistical studies of vertical and horizontal earthquake spectra
Creator(s): Hall, William J.; Mohraz, Bijan; Newmark, Nathan M.
Identifier: Text-200902238
Title: Problems in wave propagation in soil and rock
Creator(s): Newmark, Nathan M.
Identifier: Text-200903161
Title: Statistical analysis of the response of nonlinear systems subjected to earthquakes
Creator(s): Riddell, Rafael; Newmark, Nathan M.
Identifier: Text-201006163
Title: Torsion in symmetrical buildings
Creator(s): Newmark, Nathan M.
Identifier: Text-2010081211
Title: Aseismic design of Latino Americana Tower in Mexico City
Creator(s): Zeevaert, Leonardo; Newmark, Nathan M.
Identifier: Text-2010081223
Title: Shears in a tall building subjected to strong motion earthquakes
Creator(s): Tung, T. P.; Newmark, Nathan M.
Identifier: Text-201103284
Title: Elastic response of multi-story shear beam type structures subjected to strong ground motion
Creator(s): Jennings, R. L.; Newmark, Nathan M.
Identifier: Text-201104185
Title: Effect of inelastic behavior on the response of simple systems to earthquake motions
Creator(s): Veletsos, Anestis S.; Newmark, Nathan M.
Identifier: Text-201112061
Title: A Method of computation for structural dynamics
Creator(s): Newmark, Nathan M.
Identifier: Text-201301244
Title: Seismic design criteria for structures and facilities Trans-Alaska Pipeline system
Creator(s): Newmark, Nathan M.
Identifier: Text-201302133
Title: Pipeline design to resist large fault displacement
Creator(s): Newmark, Nathan M.; Hall, William J.
Identifier: Text-201302144
Title: Observations on the process of equipment qualification
Creator(s): Hall, William J.; Nyman, D. J.; McDonald, V. J.; Newmark, Nathan M.
Identifier: Text-201303016
Title: A statistical study of inelastic response spectra
Creator(s): Newmark, Nathan M.; Riddell, Rafael
Identifier: Text-201601043
Title: Design procedures for shock isolation systems of underground protective structures - vol 3 - response spectra of single degree of freedom elastic and inelastic systems
Creator(s): Veletsos, Anestis S.; Newmark, Nathan M.
Identifier: Text-LIB050238
Title: Earthquake spectra and design
Creator(s): Newmark, Nathan M.; Hall, William J.
Identifier: Text-S22072
Title: Design of multistory reinforced concrete buildings for earthquake motions
Creator(s): Blume, John A.; Newmark, Nathan M.; Corning, Leo H.
Identifier: Text-S23196
Title: Three papers published in Proceedings of the U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering--1975
Creator(s): Newmark, Nathan M.
Identifier: Text-S34477
Title: Procedures and criteria for earthquake resistant design
Creator(s): Newmark, Nathan M.; Hall, William J.