Identifier: Text-2010022310
Title: Reliability of Rayleigh wave dispersion curve obtained from f-k spectral analysis of microtremor array measurement
Creator(s): Tokeshi, J. C.; Karkee, Madan B.; Sugimura, Yoshihiro
Identifier: Text-201504243
Title: Seismic microzonation considering long period components
Creator(s): Karkee, Madan B.; Sugimura, Yoshihiro
Identifier: Text-2015052110
Title: Analytical investigation of pile foundation for buildings subjected to large lateral ground movement
Creator(s): Karkee, Madan B.; Sugimura, Yoshihiro
Identifier: Text-LIB050210
Title: Preliminary observations on damage to buildings in Gujarat (western India) earthquake of January 26, 2001
Creator(s): Karkee, Madan B.; Itagaki, Naoyuki