Identifier: Text-201404099
Title: Incremental dynamic analysis with two components of motion for a 3D steel structure
Creator(s): Vamvatsikos, Dimitrios
Identifier: Text-201407076
Title: Influence of element modeling on the predicted seismic performance of an existing RC building
Creator(s): Vamvatsikos, Dimitrios; Alexandropoulos, K.; Giannitsas, P.; Zeris, Christos A.
Identifier: Text-201507026
Title: Practical estimation of the seismic demand and capacity of oscillators with multi-linear static pushovers through incremental dynamic analysis
Creator(s): Vamvatsikos, Dimitrios; Cornell, C. Allin
Identifier: Text-LIB050197
Title: Seismic performance, capacity and reliability of structures as seen through incremental dynamic analysis
Creator(s): Vamvatsikos, Dimitrios; Cornell, C. Allin