Identifier: Text-13WC002189
Title: New developments in seismic risk analysis of highway systems
Creator(s): Werner, Stuart D.; Taylor, Craig E.; Cho, Sungbin; Lavoie, Jean-Paul; Huyck, Charles K.; Eguchi, Ronald T.; Moore, James E.
Identifier: Text-2006062728
Title: Post-disaster bridge damage assessment using remotely-sensed images
Creator(s): Eguchi, Ronald T.; Adams, Beverley J.; Huyck, Charles K.
Identifier: Text-201402261
Title: Loss estimation online using INLET (Inter-based Loss Estimation Tool)
Creator(s): Huyck, Charles K.
Identifier: Text-201402264
Title: Development of a web based transportation modeling platform for emergency response
Creator(s): Cho, Sungbin; Huyck, Charles K.; Ghosh, Shubharoop; Eguchi, Ronald T.
Identifier: Text-201402266
Title: Suggestions for effective use of remote sensing data in emergency response
Creator(s): Huyck, Charles K.; Adams, Beverley J.; Ghosh, Shubharoop; Eguchi, Ronald T.
Identifier: Text-2015060110
Title: A Comprehensive seismic vulnerability and loss assessment of the state of South Carolina using HAZUS - part V : III: lifelines, essential facilities, and hazardous materials
Creator(s): Huyck, Charles K.; Castner, L. L.; Bouabid, Jawhar; Eguchi, Ronald T.
Identifier: Text-2015060810
Title: Earthquake damage detection algorithms using optical and ERS-SAR satellite data - application to the August 17, 1999 Marmara Turkey earthquake
Creator(s): Huyck, Charles K.
Identifier: Text-S38646
Title: Bare-earth algorithms for use with SAR and LIDAR digital elevation models
Creator(s): Huyck, Charles K.; Eguchi, Ronald T.; Houshmand, Bijan
Identifier: Text-S39234
Title: Emergency response in the wake of the World Trade Center attack : the remote sensing perspective
Creator(s): Huyck, Charles K.; Adams, Beverley J.
Identifier: Text-S39384
Title: Methodologies for post-earthquake building damage using SAR and optical remote sensing : application to August 17, 1999 The Marmara, Turkey earthquake
Creator(s): Huyck, Charles K.
Identifier: Text-S40067
Title: REDARS validation report
Creator(s): Cho, Sungbin; Huyck, Charles K.; Ghosh, Shubharoop; Eguchi, Ronald T.