The Earthquake Engineering Online Archive  NISEE e-Library

Icon Identifier: Text-13WC001819
Title: The ATC-58 Project: development of next-generation performance-based earthquake engineering design criteria for buildings
Creator(s): Hamburger, Ronald O.; Rojahn, Christopher; Moehle, Jack P.; Bachman, Robert E.; Comartin, Craig D.; Whittaker, Andrew S.

Icon Identifier: Text-200603091
Title: Case studies of Kobe earthquake damage: industrial, transportation, and port facilities
Creator(s): Bachman, Robert E.

Icon Identifier: Text-201203087
Title: Non-linear programming techniques for the optimum design of structures
Creator(s): Bachman, Robert E.; Short, Stephen A.

Icon Identifier: Text-201204124
Title: San Francisco freeways, past, present, and future
Creator(s): Bachman, Robert E.

Icon Identifier: Text-2014082811
Title: Performance based earthquake engineering of pallet-type steel storage racks
Creator(s): Filiatrault, André; Bachman, Robert E.; Mahoney, Michael

Icon Identifier: Text-2014110516
Title: The ATC-58 project plan for nonstructural components
Creator(s): Bachman, Robert E.

Icon Identifier: Text-201506155
Title: The Evolving process of U.S. seismic code development
Creator(s): Bonneville, David R.; Bachman, Robert E.

Icon Identifier: Text-201601067
Title: Current code requirements and qualification test standard development for suspended ceilings
Creator(s): Gilani, Amir S.; Takhirov, Shakhzod; Bachman, Robert E.