Identifier: Text-13WC002344
Title: Using NEES to investigate soil-foundation-structure interaction
Creator(s): Wood, Sharon L.; Anagnos, Thalia; Arduino, Pedro; Eberhard, Marc O.; Fenves, Gregory L.; Finholt, Thomas A.; Futrelle, Joseph M.; Grant, Steven K.; Jeremic, Boris; Kramer, Steven L.; Kutter, Bruce L.; Matamoros, Adolfo B.; McMullin, Kurt M.; Ramirez, Julio A.; Rathje, Ellen M.; Saiidi, Mehdi; Sanders, David H.; Stokoe, Kenneth H.; Wilson, Daniel W.
Identifier: Text-2008040314
Title: Dynamic centrifuge tests of pile supported structures in liquefiable sand
Creator(s): Wilson, Daniel W.; Boulanger, Ross W.; Kutter, Bruce L.; Abghari, Abbas
Identifier: Text-201003014
Title: Numerical modeling of dynamic centrifuge experiments on a saturated dense sand stratum
Creator(s): Lai, T. S.; Elgamal, Ahmed-Waeil M.; Yang, Zhaohui; Wilson, Daniel W.; Kutter, Bruce L.
Identifier: Text-201503309
Title: Lateral resistance of liquefying sand
Creator(s): Wilson, Daniel W.; Boulanger, Ross W.; Kutter, Bruce L.; Abghari, Abbas
Identifier: Text-201503313
Title: Seismic soil-pile-structure interaction experiments and analyses
Creator(s): Boulanger, Ross W.; Curras, Christina J.; Kutter, Bruce L.; Wilson, Daniel W.; Abghari, Abbas
Identifier: Text-2016010721
Title: Experimental insight into liquefaction-induced building settlement
Creator(s): Dashti, S.; Bray, Jonathan D.; Pestana, Juan M.; Riemer, Michael F.; Wilson, Daniel W.
Identifier: Text-S36683
Title: Soil-pile-superstructure interaction in liquefying sand and soft clay
Creator(s): Wilson, Daniel W.