The Earthquake Engineering Online Archive  NISEE e-Library

Icon Identifier: Text-13WC001545
Title: Spatial distribution of response of multi-story structures for simulated ground motions
Creator(s): Park, Jaesung; Fenves, Gregory L.; Stojadinovic, Bozidar

Icon Identifier: Text-200606134
Title: Parallel simulation of structural performance in earthquakes
Creator(s): Park, Jaesung

Icon Identifier: Text-201403066
Title: Effects of rupture directivity on earthquake loss estimation
Creator(s): Bazzurro, Paolo; Sjoberg, Brian; Park, Jaesung; Luco, Nicolas

Icon Identifier: Text-2014031815
Title: Parallel simulation method for regional seismic response analysis
Creator(s): Park, Jaesung; Fenves, Gregory L.; Stojadinovic, Bozidar

Icon Identifier: Text-201407165
Title: Modification of design strength for directivity effects
Creator(s): Park, Jaesung; Fenves, Gregory L.; Stojadinovic, Bozidar