Identifier: Text-051063
Title: A Framework for performance-based earthquake resistive design
Creator(s): Hamburger, Ronald O.
Identifier: Text-13WC001476
Title: A summary of FEMA 440: Improvement of Nonlinear Static Seismic Analysis Procedures
Creator(s): Comartin, Craig D.; Aschheim, Mark A.; Guyader, Andrew C.; Hamburger, Ronald O.; Hanson, Robert D.; Holmes, William T.; Iwan, Wilfred D.; Mahoney, Michael; Miranda, Eduardo; Moehle, Jack P.; Rojahn, Christopher; Stewart, Jonathan P.
Identifier: Text-13WC001819
Title: The ATC-58 Project: development of next-generation performance-based earthquake engineering design criteria for buildings
Creator(s): Hamburger, Ronald O.; Rojahn, Christopher; Moehle, Jack P.; Bachman, Robert E.; Comartin, Craig D.; Whittaker, Andrew S.
Identifier: Text-200704161
Title: Methodology for seismic capacity evaluation for steel-frame buildings with unreinforced masonry infills
Creator(s): Hamburger, Ronald O.; Chakradeo, Ashok S.
Identifier: Text-200711153
Title: Degradation of plywood roof diaphragms under multiple earthquake loading
Creator(s): Bouwkamp, Jack G.; Hamburger, Ronald O.; Gillengerten, John D.
Identifier: Text-200804256
Title: The use of risk in design: the ATC 58 performance assessment procedure
Creator(s): Comartin, Craig D.; Moehle, Jack P.; Hamburger, Ronald O.; Whittaker, Andrew S.
Identifier: Text-2009060211
Title: Scaling earthquake ground motion records for performance-based assessment of buildings
Creator(s): Huang, Yin-Nan; Whittaker, Andrew S.; Hamburger, Ronald O.
Identifier: Text-201001226
Title: NEHRP Seismic Design Technical Brief No. 2 - seismic design of steel special moment frames: a guide for practicing engineers
Creator(s): Adan, Scott M.; Hamburger, Ronald O.; Krawinkler, Helmut; Malley, James O.
Identifier: Text-201010111
Title: Seismic design of steel special moment frames: a guide for practicing engineers
Creator(s): Hamburger, Ronald O.; Krawinkler, Helmut; Malley, James O.; Adan, Scott M.
Identifier: Text-201105138
Title: State of the art report on base metals and fracture (FEMA 355A)
Creator(s): Frank, Karl H.; Barsom, John M.; Hamburger, Ronald O.
Identifier: Text-201112162
Title: The Performance of steel buildings in past earthquakes
Creator(s): Yanev, Peter I.; Gillengerten, John D.; Hamburger, Ronald O.
Identifier: Text-201208172
Title: A policy guide to steel moment-frame construction
Creator(s): Hamburger, Ronald O.
Identifier: Text-2013041723
Title: Response of tilt-up buildings to seismic demands: case studies from the 1994 Northridge earthquake
Creator(s): Harris, Stephen K.; Hamburger, Ronald O.; Martin, Scott C.; McCormick, David L.; Somerville, Paul G.
Identifier: Text-201304236
Title: National program to reduce earthquake hazards in steel moment-resisting frame structures
Creator(s): Mahin, Stephen A.; Hamburger, Ronald O.; Malley, James O.
Identifier: Text-201304241
Title: Development of guidelines for evaluation, repair, upgrade, design and construction of moment-resisting steel frames
Creator(s): Hamburger, Ronald O.; Malley, James O.; Mahin, Stephen A.
Identifier: Text-201402244
Title: 100 Years of earthquake engineering - lessons learned and forgotten
Creator(s): Meyer, John D.; Hamburger, Ronald O.
Identifier: Text-201405298
Title: The Role of the NEHRP Provisions is supporting seismic design provisions in building codes and standards
Creator(s): Hamburger, Ronald O.
Identifier: Text-2014110512
Title: Development of next-generation performance based seismic design guidelines
Creator(s): Hamburger, Ronald O.
Identifier: Text-201412013
Title: State of performance based [seismic] engineering in the United States
Creator(s): Hamburger, Ronald O.; Moehle, Jack P.
Identifier: Text-2016010715
Title: Guidelines for seismic design of tall buildings
Creator(s): Hamburger, Ronald O.; Moehle, Jack P.
Identifier: Text-201705111
Title: Guidelines for performance-based seismic design of tall buildings, version 2.0
Creator(s): Hamburger, Ronald O.; Moehle, Jack P.
Identifier: Text-S20903
Title: Performance of tilt-up buildings in the October 1, 1987 Whittier Narrows earthquake
Creator(s): Hamburger, Ronald O.; McCormick, David L.; Hom, Stephen