Identifier: Text-200711168
Title: Influenece of critical Moho reflections on strong ground motion attenuation in California
Creator(s): Somerville, Paul G.; Smith, Nancy F.; Dreger, Douglas S.
Identifier: Text-200803062
Title: Modification of empirical strong ground motion attenuation relations to include the amplitude and duration effects of rupture directivity
Creator(s): Somerville, Paul G.; Smith, Nancy F.; Graves, Robert W.; Abrahamson, Norman A.
Identifier: Text-200804036
Title: Representation of near-fault rupture directivity effects in design ground motions, and application to Caltrans bridges
Creator(s): Somerville, Paul G.; Smith, Nancy F.; Graves, Robert W.; Abrahamson, Norman A.
Identifier: Text-201001285
Title: Estimates of ground motions at substations from past earthquakes
Creator(s): Somerville, Paul G.; Smith, Nancy F.
Identifier: Text-Lib050189
Title: Development of ground motion time histories for phase 2 of the FEMA/SAC Steel Project
Creator(s): Somerville, Paul G.; Smith, Nancy F.; Punyamurthula, Sujan; Sun, Joseph I.