Identifier: Text-S26095
Title: October 15, 1979 main-shock strong-motion records from the Meloland Road-Interstate Route 8 overcrossing, Imperial County, California
Creator(s): Rojahn, Christopher
Identifier: Text-S26096
Title: An analysis of strong-motion data from a severely damaged structure, the Imperial County Services Building, El Centro, California
Creator(s): Rojahn, Christopher; Mork, P. N.
Identifier: Text-S26830
Title: Analysis and interpretation of strong-motion records from the November 23, 1977 western Argentina earthquake and December 6, 1977 aftershock
Creator(s): Rojahn, Christopher
Identifier: Text-S29111
Title: Seismic vulnerability and impact of disruption of lifelines in the conterminous United States
Creator(s): Rojahn, Christopher
Identifier: Text-S29521
Title: Preliminary report on the San Juan, Argentina, earthquake of November 23, 1977
Creator(s): Rojahn, Christopher
Identifier: Text-S29938
Title: Evaluation of the performance of seismically retrofitted buildings
Creator(s): Rojahn, Christopher
Identifier: Text-S30118
Title: Proceedings of fourth U.S.-Japan Workshop on the Improvement of Building Structural Design and Construction Practices, August 27-29, 1990, Kailu-Kona, Hawaii
Creator(s): Forell, Nicholas F.; Rojahn, Christopher; Sharpe, Roland L.
Identifier: Text-S30899
Title: Preliminary assessment of damage to engineered structures caused by Hurricane Andrew in Florida
Creator(s): Rojahn, Christopher
Identifier: Text-S31461
Title: A model methodology for assessment of seismic vulnerability and impact of disruption of water supply systems
Creator(s): Rojahn, Christopher
Identifier: Text-S31770
Title: Proceedings of ATC-35 Seminar on New Developments in Earthquake Ground Motion Estimation and Implications for Engineering Design Practice ..
Creator(s): Rojahn, Christopher; Frankel, Arthur D.
Identifier: Text-S31807
Title: Postearthquake safety evaluation of buildings training manual
Creator(s): Rojahn, Christopher
Identifier: Text-S31906
Title: Proceedings of second Joint U.S.-New Zealand Workshop on Seismic Resistance of Highway Bridges : San Diego, California, May 8-10, 1985
Creator(s): Rojahn, Christopher
Identifier: Text-S32471
Title: NCEER-ATC joint study on fragility of buildings
Creator(s): Anagnos, Thalia; Rojahn, Christopher; Kiremidjian, Anne S.
Identifier: Text-S33825
Title: Structural response modification factors
Creator(s): Rojahn, Christopher; Whittaker, Andrew S.; Hart, Gary C.
Identifier: Text-S33854
Title: Enhancing the transfer of U.S. Geological Survey research results into engineering practice
Creator(s): Rojahn, Christopher; Frankel, Arthur D.
Identifier: Text-S34326
Title: Case studies in rapid postearthquake safety evaluation of buildings
Creator(s): Rojahn, Christopher
Identifier: Text-S34342
Title: Procedures for postearthquake safety evaluation of buildings (ATC-20)
Creator(s): Rojahn, Christopher
Identifier: Text-S34828
Title: A critical review of current approaches to earthquake-resistant design
Creator(s): Rojahn, Christopher; Whittaker, Andrew S.; Bertero, Vitelmo V.
Identifier: Text-S35173
Title: Proceedings of Seminar on Seismic Design, Retrofit, and Performance of Nonstructural Components : January 22-23, 1998, San Francisco, California
Creator(s): Rojahn, Christopher
Identifier: Text-S35646
Title: Seismic design criteria for bridges and other highway structures
Creator(s): Rojahn, Christopher
Identifier: Text-S35650
Title: Seismic design criteria for bridges and other highway structures : current and future
Creator(s): Rojahn, Christopher
Identifier: Text-S36085
Title: Seismic evaluation and retrofit of concrete buildings
Creator(s): Comartin, Craig D.; Niewiarowski, Richard W.; Rojahn, Christopher
Identifier: Text-S36501
Title: Impact assessment of selected MCEER highway project research on the seismic design of highway structures
Creator(s): Rojahn, Christopher
Identifier: Text-S36502
Title: Impact assessment of selected MCEER highway project research on the seismic design of highway structures
Creator(s): Rojahn, Christopher
Identifier: Text-S37189
Title: Built to resist earthquakes : ATC/SEAOC training curriculum: the path to quality seismic design and construction
Creator(s): Rojahn, Christopher
Identifier: Text-S37549
Title: U.S.-Italy collaborative recommedations for improving the seismic safety of hospitals in Italy
Creator(s): Rojahn, Christopher
Identifier: Text-S37914
Title: Database on the performance of structures near strong-motion recordings 1994 Northridge, California, earthquake
Creator(s): Rojahn, Christopher
Identifier: Text-S40368
Title: Field manual, postearthquake safety evaluation of buildings (ATC 20-1)
Creator(s): Rojahn, Christopher