Identifier: Text-200701304
Title: Analysis of simultaneous operational failure of critical facilities due to earthquake, for a California utility
Creator(s): Porter, Keith A.; Krishnan, Swaminathan; Xin, Xu
Identifier: Text-201001215
Title: On the modeling of elastic and inelastic, critical- and post-buckling behavior of slender columns and bracing members
Creator(s): Krishnan, Swaminathan
Identifier: Text-201001216
Title: FRAME3D V2.0 - A program for the three-dimensional nonlinear time-history analysis of steel structures: user guide
Creator(s): Krishnan, Swaminathan
Identifier: Text-201209172
Title: Mechanism of collapse, sensitivity to ground motion features, and rapid estimation of the response of tall steel moment frame buildings to earthquake excitation
Creator(s): Krishnan, Swaminathan; Muto, Matthew M.
Identifier: Text-201209173
Title: Case study of the collapse of a water tank
Creator(s): Krishnan, Swaminathan
Identifier: Text-201301302
Title: Simulation of an 1857-like Mw 7.9 San Andreas Fault Earthquake and the response of tall steel moment frame buildings in Southern California - a prototype study
Creator(s): Krishnan, Swaminathan
Identifier: Text-201409022
Title: Impact of a large San Andreas fault earthquake on tall buildings in Southern California
Creator(s): Krishnan, Swaminathan; Ji, Chen; Komatitsch, Dimitri; Tromp, Jeroen
Identifier: Text-Lib050085
Title: Performance of 18-story steel moment-frame buildings during a large San Andreas earthquake: a Southern California-wide end-to-end simulation
Creator(s): Krishnan, Swaminathan; Ji, Chen Hui; Komatitsch, Dimitri; Tromp, Jeroen
Identifier: Text-Lib050096
Title: FRAME3D: A program for three-dimensional nonlinear time-history analysis of steel buildings: user guide
Creator(s): Krishnan, Swaminathan
Identifier: Text-Lib050099
Title: Three-dimensional nonlinear analysis of tall irregular steel buildings subject to strong ground motion
Creator(s): Krishnan, Swaminathan