Identifier: Collection-S18712
Title: Damageability of low-rise construction
Creator(s): Wiggins, John H.; Taylor, Craig E.; Yessaie, George
Identifier: Software-DAMAGEZIP
Title: DAMAGE: Assessment of Damageabillity for Existing Builidngs in a Natural Hazards Environment
Creator(s): Hasselman, T. K.; Chen, Shy-Wen J.; Eguchi, Ronald T.; Wiggins, John H.
Identifier: Text-2006031011
Title: A simplified model for assessing secondary loss impacts associated with oil and natural gas pipeline failures during earthquakes
Creator(s): Eguchi, Ronald T.; Pelmulder, Susan D.; Seligson, Hope A.; Wiggins, John H.
Identifier: Text-201201128
Title: Seismic risk analysis for the Gulf of Alaska
Creator(s): Hasselman, T. K.; Chrostowski, Jon D.; Wiggins, John H.
Identifier: Text-201202241
Title: A Survey of expert opinion on active and potentially-active faults in California, Nevada, Arizona and Northern Baja California
Creator(s): Eguchi, Ronald T.; Campbell, Kenneth W.; Wiggins, John H.
Identifier: Text-201302266
Title: Estimated building losses from U.S. earthquakes
Creator(s): Wiggins, John H.
Identifier: Text-201505202
Title: Damageability of low-rise construction. Vol. 1 - executive summary
Creator(s): Wiggins, John H.; Taylor, Craig E.; Yessaie, George
Identifier: Text-201505203
Title: Damageability of low-rise construction. Vol. 2 - databases ; categorization ; techniques ; rating procedures ; proposed survey procedures
Creator(s): Wiggins, John H.; Taylor, Craig E.; Yessaie, George
Identifier: Text-201505204
Title: Damageability of low-rise construction. Vol. 3 - analytic modeling techniques
Creator(s): Wiggins, John H.; Taylor, Craig E.; Yessaie, George
Identifier: Text-201505205
Title: Damageability of low-rise construction. Vol. 4 - a rehabilitation manual
Creator(s): Wiggins, John H.; Taylor, Craig E.; Yessaie, George
Identifier: Text-307336
Title: Assessment of damageability for existing buildings in a natural hazards environment (v1)
Creator(s): Hasselman, T. K.; Eguchi, Ronald T.; Wiggins, John H.
Identifier: Text-Lib050053
Title: Assessment of damageability for existing buildings in a natural hazards environment (v2)
Creator(s): Hasselman, T. K.; Chen, Shwu-jen Hong; Eguchi, Ronald T.; Wiggins, John H.
Identifier: Text-S20487
Title: Effects of sonic boom
Creator(s): Wiggins, John H.
Identifier: Text-S21387
Title: Seismic safety study, City of Los Angeles
Creator(s): Wiggins, John H.
Identifier: Text-S23250
Title: Natural hazards: earthquake, landslide, expansive soil loss models
Creator(s): Wiggins, John H.
Identifier: Text-S23671
Title: Methodology for hazard risk evaluation of buildings
Creator(s): Wiggins, John H.; Hasselman, T. K.
Identifier: Text-S23689
Title: Earthquake hazard ordinance for the design of new structures and the rehabilitation of existing structures within the City of Long Beach [Proposed]
Creator(s): Wiggins, John H.
Identifier: Text-S23942
Title: Earthquake safety in the city of Long Beach : based on the concept of "balanced risk"
Creator(s): Wiggins, John H.; Moran, Donald F.
Identifier: Text-S26618
Title: The effect of soft surficial layering on earthquake intensity
Creator(s): Wiggins, John H.; Hall, William J.
Identifier: Text-S31078
Title: Earthquake risk analysis of the West Wing, California State Capitol Building
Creator(s): Wiggins, John H.
Identifier: Text-S33753
Title: Life safety and economic liability risks associated with strengthened, unreinforced masonry buildings
Creator(s): Wiggins, John H.; Breall, Joseph; Reitherman, Robert K.
Identifier: Text-S36410
Title: Risk acceptance and public policy : proceedings of Session IV ... International System Safety Society Symposium, July 17-20, 1973, Denver, Colorado
Creator(s): Wiggins, John H.
Identifier: Text-S37156
Title: Budgeting justification for earthquake engineering research
Creator(s): Wiggins, John H.
Identifier: Text-S37177
Title: Earthquake rehabilitation manual for buildings
Creator(s): Wiggins, John H.; Taylor, Craig E.
Identifier: Text-S40549
Title: Potential liability problems revealed by the Loma Prieta earthquake
Creator(s): Wiggins, John H.; Wiggins, Jack H.