Identifier: Software-ASKXELPZIP
Title: ASKxELP: Assessment of Seismic RisK for ELectric Power Networks
Creator(s): Giannini, Renato; Pinto, Paolo E.; Vanzi, Ivo
Identifier: Text-200603092
Title: Method of analysis for cyclically loaded R.C. plane frames including changes in geometry and non-elastic behavior of elements under combined normal force and bending
Creator(s): Menegotto, Marco; Pinto, Paolo E.
Identifier: Text-200804027
Title: Research and practice on seismic design of bridges in Europe
Creator(s): Pinto, Paolo E.
Identifier: Text-201309186
Title: Behavior and analysis of reinforced concrete structures under alternate actions inducing inelastic response, volume 1 : general models
Creator(s): Pinto, Paolo E.
Identifier: Text-201402031
Title: Il comportamento del cemento armato per sollecitazioni cicliche di forte intensita
Creator(s): Giuffre, Antonino; Pinto, Paolo E.
Identifier: Text-201405301
Title: Critical comparison of major seismic codes for buildings
Creator(s): Pinto, Paolo E.
Identifier: Text-201411064
Title: Seismic fragility analysis of structural systems
Creator(s): Pinto, Paolo E.; Franchin, Paolo; Lupoi, Alessio; Lupoi, Giorgio
Identifier: Text-S28393
Title: Analisi del comportamento sismico di strutture edilizie prefabbricate
Creator(s): Pinto, Paolo E.