The Earthquake Engineering Online Archive  NISEE e-Library

Icon Identifier: Text-200807172
Title: Behavior of multi-perforated clay brick walls under earthquake type loading
Creator(s): Alcocer, Sergio M.; Zepeda, Jose A.

Icon Identifier: Text-200808191
Title: Reinforced concrete frame connections rehabilitated by jacketing
Creator(s): Alcocer, Sergio M.; Jirsa, James Otis

Icon Identifier: Text-200910151
Title: Shaking table tests on half-scale models of confined masonry made of handmade solid clay bricks
Creator(s): Barragan, Raziel; Alcocer, Sergio M.

Icon Identifier: Text-201402109
Title: Behavior of concrete walls for economic housing
Creator(s): Alcocer, Sergio M.; Sánchez-Alejandre, Alfredo; Uribe, Roberto; Ponce, Angel

Icon Identifier: Text-201411065
Title: Some developments on performance-based seismic design of masonry structures
Creator(s): Alcocer, Sergio M.; Arias, Juan G.; Flores, Leonardo E.

Icon Identifier: Text-2015052212
Title: An Assessment of the seismic vulnerability of housing in Mexico
Creator(s): Alcocer, Sergio M.

Icon Identifier: Text-S21601
Title: Reinforced concrete frame connections rehabilitated by jacketing
Creator(s): Alcocer, Sergio M.; Jirsa, J. O.

Icon Identifier: Text-S30843
Title: Proceedings International Symposium on Earthquake Disaster Prevention = Memoria simposio internacional sobre prevencion de desastres sismicos
Creator(s): Alcocer, Sergio M.

Icon Identifier: Text-S37331
Title: Diseno sismico basado en desempeno de estructuras de concreto reforzado : comportamiento de vigas peraltadas disenadas con el modelo de puntales y tensores
Creator(s): Alcocer, Sergio M.; Uribe, Claudia M.

Icon Identifier: Text-S38287
Title: Efecto del refuerzo horizontal en el comportamiento de muros de mamposteria confinada ante cargas laterales
Creator(s): Aguilar, Gerardo; Alcocer, Sergio M.

Icon Identifier: Text-S38288
Title: Comportamiento de vigas peraltadas disenadas con el modelo de puntales y tensores : estudio realizado con la participacion del Instituto de de Ingenieria de la UNAM
Creator(s): Uribe, Claudia M.; Alcocer, Sergio M.

Icon Identifier: Text-S38289
Title: Comportamiento ante cargas laterales de muros de ladrillo de arcilla perforado y multiperforado
Creator(s): Zepeda, Jose A.; Alcocer, Sergio M.

Icon Identifier: Text-S38290
Title: Estudio analitico de estructuras de mamposteria confinada
Creator(s): Flores, Leonardo E.; Alcocer, Sergio M.

Icon Identifier: Text-S40010
Title: Earthquake engineering, challenges and trends : honoring Luis Esteva = Simposio Luis Esteva : tendencias y retos de la ingenieria sismica
Creator(s): Esteva, Luis; Perez, Gavilan E.; Alcocer, Sergio M.