Identifier: Text-201404167
Title: Bridge research at the University of Nevada
Creator(s): Douglas, Bruce M.; Saiidi, Mehdi; Norris, Gary; Maragakis, Emmanuel M.
Identifier: Text-2015040220
Title: Shake table testing of current column design
Creator(s): Sanders, David H.; Laplace, Patrick; Douglas, Bruce M.; Saiidi, Mehdi
Identifier: Text-201504029
Title: Cyclic behavior of tower leg in retrofitted Richmond-San Rafael Bridge
Creator(s): Woodgate, Jeremy P.; Itani, Ahmad M.; Douglas, Bruce M.
Identifier: Text-6960
Title: A micro-CAD system for seismic design of regular highway bridges
Creator(s): Saiidi, Mehdi; Orie, Donald; Douglas, Bruce M.
Identifier: Text-S20625
Title: USA-Japan Bridge Engineering Workshop : proceedings of the first, Tsukuba, Japan, February 20-22, 1984
Creator(s): Iwasaki, Toshio; Douglas, Bruce M.
Identifier: Text-S25696
Title: Inelastic static and dynamic analysis of short r/c bridges subjected to lateral loads
Creator(s): Saiidi, M.; Hart, J.; Douglas, Bruce M.
Identifier: Text-S28680
Title: Coupled torsional dynamic analysis of multistory building
Creator(s): Douglas, Bruce M.; Trabert, Thomas E.
Identifier: Text-S29726
Title: Proceedings : Second Workshop on Bridge Engineering Research in Progress, Reno, Nevada, October 29-30, 1990
Creator(s): Douglas, Bruce M.; Saiidi, M.
Identifier: Text-S35378
Title: A simple model to predict the ultimate response of R/C beams with concrete overlays
Creator(s): Vrontinos, Spiridon; Saiidi, M.; Douglas, Bruce M.
Identifier: Text-S36613
Title: Cyclic behavior of Richmond-San Rafael retrofitted tower leg
Creator(s): Itani, Ahmad M.; Douglas, Bruce M.; Woodgate, Jeremy P.
Identifier: Text-S39966
Title: A Micro-CAD system for seismic design of regular highway bridges
Creator(s): Orie, Donald; Saiidi, M.; Douglas, Bruce M.