The Earthquake Engineering Online Archive  NISEE e-Library

Icon Identifier: Software-ODRESBZIP
Title: ODRESB-3D: Optimum Design of Reinforced Concrete and Steel Building Systems Subjected to 3-D Ground Motions and ATC-03 Provisions
Creator(s): Truman, Kevin Z.; Juang, Der-Shin; Cheng, Franklin Y.

Icon Identifier: Software-ODSEWSZIP
Title: ODSEWS-2D2: Optimum Design of 2D Steel Structures for Static, Seismic and Wind Forces
Creator(s): Cheng, Franklin Y.; Juang, Der-Shin

Icon Identifier: Text-150287
Title: ODSEWS-2D-II user's manual: a computer program for optimum design of 2-dimensional steel structures for static, seismic and wind forces
Creator(s): Cheng, Franklin Y.; Juang, Der-Shin

Icon Identifier: Text-315219
Title: ODRESB-3D user's manual : a computer program for optimum design of reinforced concrete and steel building systems subjected to 3-D ground motions and ATC-03 provisions
Creator(s): Truman, Kevin Z.; Cheng, Franklin Y.; Juang, Der-Shin