Identifier: Software-ODRESBZIP
Title: ODRESB-3D: Optimum Design of Reinforced Concrete and Steel Building Systems Subjected to 3-D Ground Motions and ATC-03 Provisions
Creator(s): Truman, Kevin Z.; Juang, Der-Shin; Cheng, Franklin Y.
Identifier: Software-ODSEWSZIP
Title: ODSEWS-2D2: Optimum Design of 2D Steel Structures for Static, Seismic and Wind Forces
Creator(s): Cheng, Franklin Y.; Juang, Der-Shin
Identifier: Text-150287
Title: ODSEWS-2D-II user's manual: a computer program for optimum design of 2-dimensional steel structures for static, seismic and wind forces
Creator(s): Cheng, Franklin Y.; Juang, Der-Shin
Identifier: Text-200603292
Title: Coupling bending and shear hysteretic models of low-rise R.C. walls
Creator(s): Cheng, Franklin Y.
Identifier: Text-201003025
Title: Smart structures - innovative systems for seismic response control
Creator(s): Cheng, Franklin Y.; Jiang, Hongping; Lou, Kangyu
Identifier: Text-201106081
Title: Structural optimization: dynamic and seismic applications
Creator(s): Cheng, Franklin Y.; Truman, Kevin Z.
Identifier: Text-2013041615
Title: Damage assessment of two freeway bridges in the Northridge earthquake
Creator(s): Cheng, Franklin Y.; Lou, Kangyu
Identifier: Text-201305065
Title: Coupling bending and shear hysteretic models of low-rise RC walls
Creator(s): Cheng, Franklin Y.
Identifier: Text-315219
Title: ODRESB-3D user's manual : a computer program for optimum design of reinforced concrete and steel building systems subjected to 3-D ground motions and ATC-03 provisions
Creator(s): Truman, Kevin Z.; Cheng, Franklin Y.; Juang, Der-Shin
Identifier: Text-S18861
Title: Stability under seismic loading : proceedings of a session at Structures Congress '86 sponsored by the Structural Division of the American Society of Civil Engineers
Creator(s): Cheng, Franklin Y.
Identifier: Text-S18862
Title: Optimal placement of actuators for structural control
Creator(s): Cheng, Franklin Y.; Pantelides, Christakis P.
Identifier: Text-S18947
Title: Recent developments in structural optimization : proceedings of a session at Structures Congress '86, sponsored by the Structural Division, American Society of Civil Engineers, Hyatt Regency Hotel, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 15-18, 1986
Creator(s): Cheng, Franklin Y.
Identifier: Text-S18955
Title: ODRESB-3D user's manual : a computer program for optimum design of reinforced concrete and steel building systems subjected to 3-D ground motions and ATC-03 provisions
Creator(s): Truman, Kevin Z.; Cheng, Franklin Y.; Juang, Der S.
Identifier: Text-S19088
Title: Proceedings of the CCNAA-AIT Joint Seminar on Research and Application for Multiple Hazards Mitigation : April 11-15, 1988
Creator(s): Cheng, Franklin Y.; Yeh, Yeong T.
Identifier: Text-S19429
Title: Combining structural optimization and structural control
Creator(s): Cheng, Franklin Y.; Pantelides, Christakis P.
Identifier: Text-S20306
Title: Inelastic seismic response of reinforced-concrete low-rise shear walls and building structures
Creator(s): Cheng, Franklin Y.; Mertz, Gregory E.
Identifier: Text-S20307
Title: INRESB-3D-SUP user's manual : a computer program for inelastic analysis of 3-dimensional reinforced-concrete and steel seismic buildings
Creator(s): Cheng, Franklin Y.; Mertz, Gregory E.
Identifier: Text-S20316
Title: Structural control considering time-rate of control forces and control rate constraints
Creator(s): Cheng, Franklin Y.; Pantelides, Christakis P.
Identifier: Text-S20694
Title: Safety-based optimum design of nondeterministic structures subjected to various types of seismic loads
Creator(s): Cheng, Franklin Y.; Chang, Chein C.
Identifier: Text-S21981
Title: Optimum design of braced and unbraced frames for static, seismic, and wind forces with UBC, ATC-3, and TJ-11
Creator(s): Cheng, Franklin Y.; Juang, Der S.
Identifier: Text-S22741
Title: INRESB-3D : a computer program for inelastic analysis of reinforced-concrete steel buildings subjected to 3-dimensional ground motions
Creator(s): Cheng, Franklin Y.; Kitipitayangkul, Prasert
Identifier: Text-S22742
Title: ODSEWS-2D optimum design of static, earthquake, and wind steel structures
Creator(s): Cheng, Franklin Y.; Srifuengfung, Dhiraphorn; Sheng, L. H.
Identifier: Text-S22744
Title: ODSEWS-2D-II user's manual : a computer program for optimum design of 2-dimensional steel structures for static, seismic, and wind forces
Creator(s): Cheng, Franklin Y.; Juang, Der S.
Identifier: Text-S22816
Title: Investigation of the effect of 3-D parametric earthquake motions on stability of elastic and inelastic building systems
Creator(s): Cheng, Franklin Y.; Kitipitayangkul, Prasert
Identifier: Text-S24819
Title: Dynamic instability and ultimate capacity of inelastic systems parametrically excited by earthquakes--Part I
Creator(s): Cheng, Franklin Y.; Tseng, Wu H.
Identifier: Text-S24844
Title: Dynamic instability and ultimate capacity of inelastic systems parametrically excited by earthquakes--Part 2
Creator(s): Cheng, Franklin Y.; Oster, Kenneth B.
Identifier: Text-S27145
Title: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Earthquake Structural Engineering : August 19-21, 1976, St. Louis, Missouri, U.S.A
Creator(s): Cheng, Franklin Y.
Identifier: Text-S31467
Title: Inelastic response and collapse behavior of steel building structures subjected to multicomponent earthquake excitations
Creator(s): Cheng, Franklin Y.; Ger, Jeng F.
Identifier: Text-S32784
Title: Urban disaster mitigation
Creator(s): Cheng, Franklin Y.; Sheu, Maw S.
Identifier: Text-S35355
Title: INRESB-3D-SUPII program listing for PC : general purpose program for inelastic analysis of RC and steel building systems for 3D static and dynamic loads and seismic excitations
Creator(s): Cheng, Franklin Y.; Ger, Jeng F.; Li, Dan