Identifier: Text-S26013
Title: The correlation of response spectral amplitudes with seismic intensity
Creator(s): O'Brien, L. J.
Identifier: Text-S26044
Title: Analysis of a worldwide strong motion data sample to develop an improved correlation between peak acceleration, seismic intensity and other physical parameters
Creator(s): Murphy, J. R.; O'Brien, L. J.
Identifier: Text-S28325
Title: Predicted San Fernando earthquake spectra, Glendale area
Creator(s): Murphy, J. R.; Lynch, R. D.; O'Brien, L. J.
Identifier: Text-S34461
Title: The correlation of peak ground acceleration amplitude with seismic intensity and other physical parameters : final technical report
Creator(s): O'Brien, L. J.; Murphy, J. R.; Lahoud, J. A.