The Earthquake Engineering Online Archive  NISEE e-Library

Icon Identifier: Software-SPASMZIP
Title: SPASM: Seismic Pile Analysis with Support Motion
Creator(s): Matlock, Hudson; Foo, Stephen H. C.

Icon Identifier: Text-91000926
Title: Simulation of lateral pile behavior under earthquake motion
Creator(s): Matlock, Hudson; Foo, Stephen H. C.

Icon Identifier: Text-91000928
Title: SPASM 8: a dynamic beam-column program for seismic pile analysis with support motion
Creator(s): Matlock, Hudson; Foo, Stephen H. C.; Tsai, Chan-Feng; Lam, Ignatius Po

Icon Identifier: Text-S23935
Title: SPASM 8: a dynamic beam-column program for seismic pile analysis with support motion
Creator(s): Matlock, Hudson

Icon Identifier: Text-S30476
Title: Analysis of structural damage from the 1960 tsunami at Hilo, Hawaii
Creator(s): Matlock, Hudson; Reese, Lymon C.; Matlock, Robert B.