The Earthquake Engineering Online Archive  NISEE e-Library

Icon Identifier: Text-S26678
Title: Analysis of uncertainty in ground motion and structural response due to earthquakes
Creator(s): Vanmarcke, Erik H.; Cornell, Carl A.

Icon Identifier: Text-S26762
Title: Simulated earthquake motions compatible with prescribed response spectra
Creator(s): Gasparini, Dario A.; Vanmarcke, Erik H.

Icon Identifier: Text-S27035
Title: Ground motion parameters for seismic safety assessment
Creator(s): Lai, Shih S.; Vanmarcke, Erik H.

Icon Identifier: Text-S27426
Title: Optimum location of a network of strong-motion accelerometers
Creator(s): Vanmarcke, Erik H.; Cornell, C. A.

Icon Identifier: Text-S28132
Title: On the scale of fluctuation of random functions
Creator(s): Vanmarcke, Erik H.

Icon Identifier: Text-S28133
Title: Averages and extremes of random fields
Creator(s): Vanmarcke, Erik H.

Icon Identifier: Text-S28655
Title: Joint report ... 3-6 September, 1985, sponsored jointly by the National Science Foundation ... and the Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey
Creator(s): Vanmarcke, Erik H.; Toksoz, M. Nafi

Icon Identifier: Text-S29315
Title: Strong-motion duration of earthquakes
Creator(s): Vanmarcke, Erik H.; Lai, Shih S.

Icon Identifier: Text-S30312
Title: Evaluation of expected losses and total present cost : further preliminary sensitivity analyses
Creator(s): Vanmarcke, Erik H.; Chow, David Y.

Icon Identifier: Text-S39935
Title: Random fields, analysis and synthesis
Creator(s): Vanmarcke, Erik H.