Identifier: Software-SIMQKE1ZIP
Title: SIMQKE-I: Simulation of Earthquake Ground Motions
Creator(s): Vanmarcke, Erik H.; Cornell, C. Allin; Gasparini, Dario A.; Hou, Shou-nien
Identifier: Software-SIMQKE2ZIP
Title: SIMQKE-II: Conditioned Earthquake Ground Motion Simulator
Creator(s): Vanmarcke, Erik H.; Fenton, Gordon A.; Heredia-Zavoni, Ernesto
Identifier: Text-2005121422
Title: The Major Influences on Seismic Risk
Creator(s): Cornell, C. Allin; Vanmarcke, Erik H.
Identifier: Text-200604269
Title: Comparison of seismic analysis procedures for elastic multi-degree systems
Creator(s): Vanmarcke, Erik H.; Biggs, John M.; Frank, Robert A.; Gazetas, George; Arnold, Peter; Gasparini, Dario A.; Luyties, William H.
Identifier: Text-200705111
Title: Structural Response to Earthquakes
Creator(s): Vanmarcke, Erik H.
Identifier: Text-200811041
Title: Variability of inelastic structural response due to real and artificial ground motions
Creator(s): Frank, Robert A.; Anagnostopoulos, Stavros A.; Biggs, John M.; Vanmarcke, Erik H.
Identifier: Text-201305163
Title: Optimum seismic protection for new building construction in eastern metropolitan areas
Creator(s): Whitman, Robert V.; Vanmarcke, Erik H.; Reed, John W.; Kausel, Eduardo
Identifier: Text-2014031713
Title: Stochastic variation of earthquake ground motion in space and time
Creator(s): Harichandran, Ronald S.; Vanmarcke, Erik H.
Identifier: Text-201504132
Title: Numerical simulations of soil liquefaction using stochastic input parameters
Creator(s): Popescu, Radu; Prevost, J. H.; Vanmarcke, Erik H.
Identifier: Text-201509161
Title: Acceptable risk processes : lifelines and natural hazards
Creator(s): Taylor, Craig E.; Vanmarcke, Erik H.
Identifier: Text-360434
Title: SIMQKE-II, conditioned earthquake ground motion simulator : user's manual, version 2
Creator(s): Vanmarcke, Erik H.; Fenton, Gordon A.; Heredia-Zavoni, Ernesto
Identifier: Text-360532
Title: SIMQKE-II, conditioned earthquake ground motion simulator : user's manual, version 2.1
Creator(s): Vanmarcke, Erik H.; Fenton, Gordon A.; Heredia-Zavoni, Ernesto
Identifier: Text-61000173
Title: Simulated earthquake motions compatible with prescribed response spectra
Creator(s): Vanmarcke, Erik H.; Gasparini, Dario A.
Identifier: Text-S19571
Title: Multi-hazard risk analysis : case of a simple offshore structure
Creator(s): Bhartia, B. K.; Vanmarcke, Erik H.
Identifier: Text-S21964
Title: Reliabiliy-based optimum design of simple plastic frames
Creator(s): Vanmarcke, Erik H.; Roth, Dennis A.
Identifier: Text-S23282
Title: Markov decision models in seismic design
Creator(s): Vanmarcke, Erik H.; Diaz, Padilla G.
Identifier: Text-S23313
Title: Human response to wind-induced motion of buildings
Creator(s): Hansen, Robert J.; Reed, John W.; Vanmarcke, Erik H.
Identifier: Text-S23465
Title: Damage statistics from Japanese earthquakes
Creator(s): Whitman, Robert V.; Vanmarcke, Erik H.
Identifier: Text-S24817
Title: First passage and other failure criteria in narrow-band random vibration: A discrete state approach
Creator(s): Vanmarcke, Erik H.
Identifier: Text-S24818
Title: Response of simple hysteretic systems to random excitation
Creator(s): Vanmarcke, Erik H.; Yanev, Peter I.; De Estrada, Michael B.
Identifier: Text-S24874
Title: Estimation of dynamic characteristics of deep ocean tower structures
Creator(s): Vanmarcke, Erik H.; Iascone, Richard N.
Identifier: Text-S25007
Title: Estimation of dynamic properties of offshore structures
Creator(s): Vanmarcke, Erik H.
Identifier: Text-S25102
Title: Parameters of the spectral density function: their significance in the time and frequency domains
Creator(s): Vanmarcke, Erik H.
Identifier: Text-S25272
Title: On inelastic response spectra for aseismic design
Creator(s): Lai, Shih S.; Biggs, John M.; Vanmarcke, Erik H.
Identifier: Text-S25722
Title: Comparison of seismic analysis procedures for elastic multi-degree systems
Creator(s): Vanmarcke, Erik H.
Identifier: Text-S25920
Title: Representation of earthquake ground motion : scaled accelerograms and equivalent response spectra
Creator(s): Vanmarcke, Erik H.
Identifier: Text-S26017
Title: Strong-motion duration of earthquakes
Creator(s): Vanmarcke, Erik H.; Lai, Shih S.
Identifier: Text-S26115
Title: Space-time variation of earthquake ground motion
Creator(s): Harichandran, Ronald; Vanmarcke, Erik H.
Identifier: Text-S26452
Title: Frequency content of ground motions during the 1971 San Fernando earthquake
Creator(s): Arnold, Peter; Vanmarcke, Erik H.; Gazetas, George C.
Identifier: Text-S26486
Title: Estimation of dynamic properties of structures and soils
Creator(s): Vanmarcke, Erik H.