Identifier: Text-201402209
Title: Methodology for parametric analysis and seismic design of isolated elevated water tanks
Creator(s): Baquedano1, P. A.; Gran, F.; Fernández-Dávila, V. I.
Identifier: Text-201403041
Title: Generation of a family of artificial earthquakes from a set of records of an actual earthquake
Creator(s): Fernández-Dávila, V. I.; Cruz, E. F.
Identifier: Text-201404178
Title: Study of the combination rules to estimate the inelastic response of in-plane asymmetry multi-story buildings subjected to bi-directional seismic motions
Creator(s): Fernández-Dávila, V. I.; Cruz, E. F.
Identifier: Text-201505218
Title: Analysis and seismic design of elevated water tanks
Creator(s): Munoz, M.; Fernández-Dávila, V. I.
Identifier: Text-2015052813
Title: Combination rules to estimate the maximum seismic response in buildings
Creator(s): Lobus, D. A.; Fernández-Dávila, V. I.
Identifier: Text-201506154
Title: Evaluation of the seismic response of buildings obtained through analytical and experimental procedures
Creator(s): Cruz, Ernesto F.; Fernández-Dávila, V. I.