Identifier: Text-S31255
Title: Seismic performance study, DPC gymnasium : elastic time history analysis using SAP90
Creator(s): Hart, Gary C.
Identifier: Text-S31256
Title: Seismic performance study, TMS shopping center : elastic time history analysis using SAP90
Creator(s): Hart, Gary C.
Identifier: Text-S31287
Title: Forced vibration testing of a rehabilitated multistory building
Creator(s): Hart, Gary C.
Identifier: Text-S31299
Title: Reliability of concrete masonry wall structures
Creator(s): Hart, Gary C.; Zorapapel, George T.
Identifier: Text-S32064
Title: Design guidelines for ductility and drift limits : report on tasks 6 to 7 of the CUREe Kajima Project on Design Guidelines for Ductility and Drift Limits
Creator(s): Ekwueme, Chukwuma G.; Hart, Gary C.; Sabol, Thomas A.
Identifier: Text-S32066
Title: CUREe-Kajima project topic 5 : Design guidelines for ductility and drift limits : summary report
Creator(s): Hart, Gary C.; Anderson, James C.; Bertero, Vitelmo V.; Krawinkler, Helmut; Moehle, Jack P.
Identifier: Text-S32470
Title: Design recommendations for the period of vibration of masonry wall buildings
Creator(s): Priestley, M. J.; Hart, Gary C.
Identifier: Text-S33579
Title: Typical costs for seismic rehabilitation of existing buildings
Creator(s): Hart, Gary C.; Srinivasan, Mukund
Identifier: Text-S33825
Title: Structural response modification factors
Creator(s): Rojahn, Christopher; Whittaker, Andrew S.; Hart, Gary C.
Identifier: Text-S34286
Title: Damage assessment of the Imperial Co. Services Building
Creator(s): Pardoen, Gerard C.; Hart, Gary C.; Bunce, Barrett T.
Identifier: Text-S35398
Title: Lecture notes for advanced structural dynamics
Creator(s): Clough, Ray W.; Penzien, Joseph; Hart, Gary C.
Identifier: Text-S35996
Title: Evaluation of a concrete masonry building performance during the Coalinga earthquake of 1983 utilizing currently accepted strength design of concrete masonry design criteria
Creator(s): Hart, Gary C.; Englekirk, Robert E.; Dow, Suzanne M.
Identifier: Text-S36571
Title: Performance of glass block during the Northridge earthquake
Creator(s): Hart, Gary C.
Identifier: Text-S36714
Title: Design of masonry structures
Creator(s): Brandow, Gregg E.; Hart, Gary C.; Virdee, Ajit
Identifier: Text-S36879
Title: Structural dynamics for structural engineers
Creator(s): Hart, Gary C.; Wong, Kevin K.
Identifier: Text-S37526
Title: Base isolation of buildings
Creator(s): Hart, Gary C.; Englekirk, Robert E.; Nakaki, David K.
Identifier: Text-S37901
Title: Defining and quantifying an adequate level of safety for historic buildings
Creator(s): Hart, Gary C.; Sabol, Thomas A.
Identifier: Text-S37925
Title: Eigenvalue uncertainty in stressed structures
Creator(s): Hart, Gary C.
Identifier: Text-S38223
Title: Design of reinforced masonry structures
Creator(s): Brandow, Gregg E.; Hart, Gary C.; Virdee, Ajit
Identifier: Text-S38539
Title: Reliability-based seismic performance evaluation of steel frame buildings using nonlinear static analysis methods
Creator(s): Skokan, Matthew J.; Hart, Gary C.
Identifier: Text-S38733
Title: Torsional response and design of high-rise buildings
Creator(s): Hart, Gary C.; DiJulio, Roger M.; Lew, Marshall
Identifier: Text-S38940
Title: System identification methods in earthquake engineering
Creator(s): Thompson, William T.; Hart, Gary C.; Watson, Marvin L.
Identifier: Text-S39064
Title: Seismic design of concrete block masonry shear walls
Creator(s): Englekirk, Robert E.; Hart, Gary C.
Identifier: Text-S39065
Title: Earthquake and wind response of a rehabilitated multistory building
Creator(s): Hart, Gary C.; Huang, Sampson C.
Identifier: Text-S39482
Title: Earthquake design of buildings: damping
Creator(s): Hart, Gary C.; Vasudevan, Ramaswami