Identifier: Software-ACEZIP
Title: ACE: Analysis of Critical Elements for the Seismic Evaluation of Existing Multistory Residential Buildings
Creator(s): Pinkham, Clarkson W.; Hart, Gary C.
Identifier: Software-DAEMZIP
Title: DAEM: Detailed Analytical Evaluation Method for Natural Hazards Evaluation of Existing Buildings
Creator(s): Culver, Charles G.; Lew, H. S.; Hart, Gary C.; Pinkham, Clarkson W.
Identifier: Text-1200718
Title: Natural Hazards Evaluation of Existing Buildings: Appendix E
Creator(s): Culver, Charles G.; Lew, H. S.; Hart, Gary C.; Pinkham, Clarkson W.
Identifier: Text-200603013
Title: SCM model for University of Colorado single flexural walls
Creator(s): Hart, Gary C.; Low, Yeng-Keong; Jaw, Jing-Wen; Englekirk, Robert E.
Identifier: Text-200703085
Title: The design and analysis of a seismic retrofit of a tall concrete building using supplemental viscous dampers
Creator(s): Elhassan, Rami M.; Arminak, Armin; Hart, Gary C.; Brandow, Gregg E.; Liu, Xudong
Identifier: Text-200707052
Title: Design recommendations for the period of vibration of masonry wall buildings
Creator(s): Priestley, M. J. N.; Hart, Gary C.
Identifier: Text-200803136
Title: Defining and quantifying an acceptable level of safety for historic buildings
Creator(s): Hart, Gary C.; Sabol, Thomas A.
Identifier: Text-2013042311
Title: Earthquake response of two adjacent buildings: observed and estimated
Creator(s): Huang, Sampson C.; Lobo, Roy F.; Hart, Gary C.; Stewart, Joe
Identifier: Text-2013042313
Title: Importance of quantifying nonlinear behavior of damaged steel frame buildings prior to repair or retrofit
Creator(s): Hart, Gary C.; Skokan, Matthew J.; Lobo, Roy F.; Huang, Sampson C.
Identifier: Text-2013042314
Title: Impact of earthquake ground motion uncertainties on the structural reliability based design of an active control system to reduce the risk of weld failure
Creator(s): Wong, Kevin K.; Hart, Gary C.
Identifier: Text-2013042414
Title: Influence of vertical ground motion on special moment-resisting frames
Creator(s): Skokan, Matthew J.; Hart, Gary C.; Huang, Sampson C.; Lobo, Roy F.
Identifier: Text-2013042419
Title: Reducing the risk of weld failure during earthquakes using active control
Creator(s): Wong, Kevin K.; Hart, Gary C.
Identifier: Text-2014022011
Title: Earthquake damage investigation of a mid rise masonry building supported on reinforced concrete transfer beams
Creator(s): Jain, Anurag; Dumortier, A. P.; Simsir, C. C.; Hart, Gary C.
Identifier: Text-201403052
Title: Investigation of earthquake damage and the scientific quantification of confidence in opinions
Creator(s): Hart, Gary C.; King, Stephanie A.; Jain, Anurag
Identifier: Text-2015061812
Title: Implications of new seismic requirements
Creator(s): Skokan, Matthew J.; Huang, Sampson C.; Hart, Gary C.
Identifier: Text-201506242
Title: Life-cycle risk analysis of earthquake impact
Creator(s): King, Stephanie A.; Hart, Gary C.; Jain, Anurag
Identifier: Text-2015091020
Title: Design implications from the performance evaluation of concrete transfer girders in a mid-rise masonry building
Creator(s): Jain, Anurag; Simsir, Can C.; Dumortier, Alexis P.; Hart, Gary C.
Identifier: Text-311771
Title: A methodology for seismic evaluation of existing multistory residential buildings
Creator(s): Pinkham, Clarkson W.; Hart, Gary C.
Identifier: Text-S18931
Title: Uplifting response of structures subjected to earthquake motions
Creator(s): Nakaki, David K.; Hart, Gary C.
Identifier: Text-S18973
Title: Slender wall structural engineering analysis computer program (SLWALL, version 1.01)
Creator(s): Hart, Gary C.; Basharkah, M. A.
Identifier: Text-S19009
Title: Shear wall structural engineering analysis computer program : (SHWALL, version 1.01)
Creator(s): Hart, Gary C.; Basharkhah, M. A.
Identifier: Text-S19203
Title: Design criteria for tall reinforced buildings in severe earthquake zones
Creator(s): Hart, Gary C.
Identifier: Text-S19992
Title: Earthquake loading and response, emphasizing ground motion effects
Creator(s): Anderson, James C.; Hart, Gary C.
Identifier: Text-S20068
Title: Structural engineering earthquake damage evaluation of an existing building
Creator(s): Hart, Gary C.; Englekirk, Robert E.
Identifier: Text-S20105
Title: The Los Angeles, California, Tornado of March 1, 1983
Creator(s): Hart, Gary C.
Identifier: Text-S20125
Title: Issues related to the selection of U.S. Navy buildings for base isolation
Creator(s): Hart, Gary C.
Identifier: Text-S20454
Title: SCM model for University of Colorado flexural walls
Creator(s): Hart, Gary C.
Identifier: Text-S20782
Title: Typical costs for seismic rehabilitation of existing buildings
Creator(s): Sabol, Thomas A.; Zorapapel, George T.; Hart, Gary C.
Identifier: Text-S20969
Title: Inelastic masonry flexural shear wall analysis computer program : (IMFLEX version 1.01)
Creator(s): Hart, Gary C.; Sajjad, Niaz A.; Basharkhah, M. A.
Identifier: Text-S20970
Title: Force-deflection evaluation and models for University of Colorado flexural walls
Creator(s): Hong, Won K.; Hart, Gary C.; Englekirk, Robert E.