Identifier: Text-S20874
Title: Field guide to neotectonics of the San Andreas fault system, Santa Cruz Mountains, in light of the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake
Creator(s): Schwartz, David P.; Anderson, Robert S.; Ponti, Daniel J.
Identifier: Text-S32874
Title: Proceedings of the Workshop on Paleoseismology, 18-22 September 1994, Marshall, California
Creator(s): Schwartz, David P.; Yeats, Robert S.
Identifier: Text-S37233
Title: Tectonic framework and geologic observations of the Oroville, California earthquake of 1 August 1975
Creator(s): Cluff, Lloyd S.; Harper, Robert E.; Schwartz, David P.
Identifier: Text-S39817
Title: Recurrence of moderate to large magnitude earthquakes produced by surface faulting on the Wasatch fault zone, Utah
Creator(s): Swan, F. H.; Schwartz, David P.; Cluff, Lloyd S.
Identifier: Image-GoddenJ4
Title: Offset railroad tracks, Guatemala
Creator(s): Schwartz, David P.; Bertero, Vitelmo V.
Identifier: Image-GoddenJ6
Title: Bridge collapse, Guatemala
Creator(s): Schwartz, David P.
Identifier: Image-GoddenJ9
Title: Bridge collapse, Guatemala
Creator(s): Schwartz, David P.
Identifier: Image-S5313
Title: Surface faulting
Creator(s): Schwartz, David P.
Identifier: Image-S5314
Title: Near Cabanas
Creator(s): Schwartz, David P.
Identifier: Image-S5315
Title: Surface cracks north of sag pond
Creator(s): Schwartz, David P.
Identifier: Image-S5316
Title: Town of Lode Mejia
Creator(s): Schwartz, David P.
Identifier: Image-S5317
Title: Surface faulting
Creator(s): Schwartz, David P.
Identifier: Image-S5318
Title: Offset road north of Zacapa
Creator(s): Schwartz, David P.
Identifier: Image-S5319
Title: Offset railroad tracks
Creator(s): Schwartz, David P.
Identifier: Image-S5320
Title: Near the epicenter
Creator(s): Schwartz, David P.
Identifier: Image-S5321
Title: Near the epicenter
Creator(s): Schwartz, David P.
Identifier: Image-S5322
Title: Near the epicenter
Creator(s): Schwartz, David P.
Identifier: Image-S5323
Title: "Moletrack" near Quedrada Las Animas
Creator(s): Schwartz, David P.
Identifier: Image-S5324
Title: Offset road north of El Progresso
Creator(s): Schwartz, David P.
Identifier: Image-S5326
Title: Agua Caliente Bridge
Creator(s): Schwartz, David P.
Identifier: Image-S5327
Title: Agua Caliente Bridge
Creator(s): Schwartz, David P.
Identifier: Image-S5328
Title: Agua Caliente Bridge
Creator(s): Schwartz, David P.