Identifier: Text-200803203
Title: The Skopje, Yugoslavia earthquake - July 26, 1963
Creator(s): Berg, Glen V.
Identifier: Text-200803204
Title: Anchorage and the Alaska earthquake of March 27, 1964
Creator(s): Berg, Glen V.; Stratta, James L.
Identifier: Text-200805193
Title: Earthquake in Romania March 4, 1977 : an engineering report
Creator(s): Berg, Glen V.; Bolt, Bruce A.; Sozen, Mete A.; Rojahn, Christopher
Identifier: Text-201103283
Title: Energy consumption by structures in strong-motion earthquakes
Creator(s): Berg, Glen V.; Thomaides, Spiro S.
Identifier: Text-S21985
Title: Seismic behavior of staggered truss framing system design procedure for earthquake loading
Creator(s): Hanson, Robert D.; Goel, Subhash C.; Berg, Glen V.
Identifier: Text-S22240
Title: The Skopje, Yugoslavia earthquake, July 26, 1963
Creator(s): Berg, Glen V.
Identifier: Text-S23543
Title: Seismic design codes and procedures
Creator(s): Berg, Glen V.
Identifier: Text-S24913
Title: The analysis of structural response to earthquake forces
Creator(s): Berg, Glen V.
Identifier: Text-S25143
Title: Energy consumption by structures in strong-motion earthquakes
Creator(s): Berg, Glen V.; Thomaides, Spiro S.
Identifier: Text-S25485
Title: Preliminary reports presented at the 1965 annual meeting of the Structural Engineers' Association of California
Creator(s): Popov, E. P.; Berg, Glen V.; Bouwkamp, J. G.
Identifier: Text-S26054
Title: Punched card accelerograms of strong-motion earthquakes
Creator(s): Berg, Glen V.; Thomaides, Spiro S.
Identifier: Text-S28224
Title: Seismic design procedures and criteria
Creator(s): Berg, Glen V.
Identifier: Text-S28521
Title: Engineering aspects of the Peru earthquake of May 31, 1970; a preliminary report to UNESCO
Creator(s): Berg, Glen V.; Husid, Raśl
Identifier: Text-S28996
Title: A study of error in response spectrum analyses
Creator(s): Berg, Glen V.
Identifier: Text-S28997
Title: The Adapazari, Turkey, earthquake of July 22, 1967; a preliminary report of a field inspection for the Earthquake Inspection Project ... U.S. National Academy of Engineering
Creator(s): Berg, Glen V.
Identifier: Text-S31710
Title: Report on NSF-UCEER Conference on Earthquake Engineering Research : March 10-11, 1967, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California
Creator(s): Berg, Glen V.
Identifier: Text-S36530
Title: Designing structures to resist earthquakes
Creator(s): Berg, Glen V.
Identifier: Text-S38255
Title: Elements of structural dynamics
Creator(s): Berg, Glen V.
Identifier: Text-S38582
Title: Response of multi-story structures to earthquake
Creator(s): Berg, Glen V.
Identifier: Image-S1348
Title: Lituya Bay
Creator(s): Berg, Glen V.