Identifier: Text-111000558
Title: Seismic risk tables for pseudo relative velocity spectra in regions with shallow seismicity
Creator(s): Westermo, Bruce D.; Anderson, John G.; Trifunac, Mihailo D.; Dravinski, Marijan
Identifier: Text-111000701
Title: Los Angeles vicinity strong motion accelerograph network
Creator(s): Anderson, John G.; Trifunac, Mihailo D.; Teng, Ta-Liang; Amini, Ali; Moslem, Kaazem
Identifier: Text-201403101
Title: Characteristics of ground motion response spectra from recent large earthquakes and their comparison with IEEE Standard 693
Creator(s): Su, F.; Anderson, John G.; Zeng, Yuehua
Identifier: Text-201403129
Title: International partnership to influence public policy and advocate seismic safety in order to reduce earthquake loss
Creator(s): Anderson, John G.
Identifier: Text-201404152
Title: Procedure for scaling earthquake records to match acceleration response spectra for engineering design
Creator(s): Keaton, Jeffrey R.; Zeng, Yuehua; Anderson, John G.
Identifier: Text-2014081311
Title: An Explanatory experimental study of near-fault ground motion effects on reinforced concrete bridge columns
Creator(s): Phan, V.; Saiidi, Mehdi; Anderson, John G.; Ghasemi, H.
Identifier: Text-201505273
Title: The Behavior of spectral decay in strong ground motion accelerations recorded in Guerrero, Mexico
Creator(s): Purvance, Matthew D.; Anderson, John G.
Identifier: Text-201507014
Title: Physical phenomena controlling high-frequency seismic wave generation in earthquakes
Creator(s): Anderson, John G.; Brune, James N.; Wesnousky, Steven G.
Identifier: Text-302179
Title: On uniform risk functionals which describe strong earthquake ground motion: definition, numerical estimation, and an application to the Fourier amplitude of acceleration
Creator(s): Anderson, John G.; Trifunac, Mihailo D.
Identifier: Text-315198
Title: Preliminary empirical models for scaling absolute acceleration spectra
Creator(s): Trifunac, Mihailo D.; Anderson, John G.
Identifier: Text-81000318
Title: Program EQRISK: a computer program for finding uniform risk spectra of strong earthquake ground motion
Creator(s): Anderson, John G.
Identifier: Text-81000452
Title: Preliminary empirical models for scaling pseudo relative velocity spectra
Creator(s): Trifunac, Mihailo D.; Anderson, John G.
Identifier: Text-81000453
Title: Preliminary empirical models for scaling relative velocity spectra
Creator(s): Trifunac, Mihailo D.; Anderson, John G.
Identifier: Text-Lib050191
Title: Evaluation of numerical procedures for simulating near-fault long-period ground motions using Zeng method
Creator(s): Zeng, Yuehua; Anderson, John G.
Identifier: Text-S19132
Title: The Cerro Prieto, Baja California, earthquake of February 6, 1987, and processed strong-motion data
Creator(s): Munguia, Luis; Anderson, John G.; Brune, James N.
Identifier: Text-S21710
Title: The Mexicali Valley earthquake of 9 June 1980
Creator(s): Anderson, John G.; Simons, Richard S.
Identifier: Text-S27654
Title: On uniform risk functionals which describe strong earthquake ground motion : definition, numerical estimation, and an application to the Fourier amplitude of acceleration
Creator(s): Anderson, John G.; Trifunac, Mihailo D.
Identifier: Text-S27657
Title: Preliminary empirical models for scaling pseudo relative velocity spectra
Creator(s): Trifunac, Mihailo D.; Anderson, John G.
Identifier: Text-S27658
Title: Preliminary empirical models for scaling relative velocity spectra
Creator(s): Trifunac, Mihailo D.; Anderson, John G.
Identifier: Text-S27675
Title: Los Angeles vicinity strong motion accelerograph network
Creator(s): Anderson, John G.
Identifier: Text-S28889
Title: Current computational methods in studies of earthquake source mechanisms and strong ground motion
Creator(s): Anderson, John G.; Trifunac, Mihailo D.
Identifier: Text-S38366
Title: Preliminary empirical models for scaling absolute acceleration spectra
Creator(s): Trifunac, Mihailo D.; Anderson, John G.
Identifier: Text-S39693
Title: Directions in strong motion instrumentation
Creator(s): Anderson, John G.
Identifier: Text-S40472
Title: Uniform risk absolute acceleration spectra
Creator(s): Anderson, John G.; Trifunac, Mihailo D.
Identifier: Text-S40505
Title: Estimation of relative velocity spectra
Creator(s): Trifunac, Mihailo D.; Anderson, John G.