Identifier: Text-201310111
Title: Study on multi-cyclic characteristics of devices for seismic isolation against long-period earthquake motions (Multi-cyclic loading experiment on full-scale elastic sliding bearing and oil damper)
Creator(s): Hibino, Hiroshi; Nagashima, Ichiro; Maseki, Ryota
Identifier: Text-201310112
Title: Study on multi-cyclic characteristics of devices for seismic isolation against long period earthquake motions (Experimental method using large shaking table for multi-cyclic loading of full-scale devices)
Creator(s): Nagashima, Ichiro; Hibino, Hiroshi; Maseki, Ryota
Identifier: Text-2014121812
Title: Dynamic test and analysis of reinforced concrete wall elements
Creator(s): Kabeyasawa, Toshimi; Matui, Tomoya; Kato, Atsushi; Kuramoto, Hiroshi; Nagashima, Ichiro