Identifier: Software-ISADABZIP
Title: ISADAB: Inelastic Static and Dynamic Analysis of Bridges
Creator(s): Saiidi, Mehdi; Lawver, Renee A.; Hart, James D.
Identifier: Software-WAVESZIP
Title: WAVES: Seismic Response of Horizontally Layered Soil Deposits
Creator(s): Hart, James D.; Wilson, Edward L.
Identifier: Text-191110
Title: Simplified earthquake analysis of buildings including site effects
Creator(s): Hart, James D.; Wilson, Edward L.
Identifier: Text-312950
Title: User's manual for ISADAB and SIBA, computer programs for nonlinear transverse analysis of highway bridges subjected to static and dynamic lateral loads
Creator(s): Saiidi, Mehdi; Lawver, Renee A.; Hart, James D.
Identifier: Text-S18746
Title: Nonlinear modeling of short highway bridges subjected to earthquake loading
Creator(s): Hart, James D.
Identifier: Text-S27885
Title: WAVES : an efficient microcomputer program for site response analysis
Creator(s): Hart, James D.; Wilson, Edward L.