Identifier: Text-201310031
Title: Damage of expansion joints for seismically isolated buildings and countermeasures
Creator(s): Saiki, Kenji; Kitamura, Yoshihisa; Kani, Nagahide
Identifier: Text-201310034
Title: Response reduction effect of using inertial mass dampers in a base isolated structure
Creator(s): Sugimoto, Koichi; Fukukita, Akira; Yamamoto, Sachie; Kitamura, Yoshihisa
Identifier: Text-2013100413
Title: Performance of response-controlled buildings during the huge 2011 Earthquake
Creator(s): Kani, Nagahide; Ogino, N.; Kitamura, Yoshihisa; Kitamura, Haruyuki; Fukazawa, Y.
Identifier: Text-2013100418
Title: Evaluation of responses of base-isolated buildings to a subduction-zone-mega-earthquake
Creator(s): Nishikawa, Koji; Kitamura, Yoshihisa; Okawa, Izuru