Identifier: Software-201306267
Title: EAGD84 Matlab Modules (2013)
Creator(s): Lokke, Arnkjell
Identifier: Software-201306268
Title: EAGD84 Source PC
Creator(s): Lokke, Arnkjell
Identifier: Text-201306266
Title: User manual : pre- and post-processing modules to facilitate analysis with EAGD-84
Creator(s): Lokke, Arnkjell
Identifier: Text-201307304
Title: Response spectrum analysis of concrete gravity dams including dam-water-foundation interaction
Creator(s): Lokke, Arnkjell; Chopra, Anil K.
Identifier: Text-201909091
Title: Direct-finite-element method for nonlinear earthquake analysis of concrete dams including dam-water-foundation rock interaction
Creator(s): Lokke, Arnkjell; Chopra, Anil K.