Identifier: Text-2013031313
Title: The ground deformations and failures in the Van Norman Complex after the 1994 Northridge earthquake, Part III: Laboratory investigation, soil characterization and evaluation of liquefaction potential using the unit energy method
Creator(s): Figueroa, J. Ludwig; Saada, Adel S.; Liang, Liqun
Identifier: Text-201504153
Title: Effect of the grain size on the energy per unit volume at the onset of liquefaction
Creator(s): Figueroa, J. Ludwig; Saada, Adel S.; Liang, Liqun
Identifier: Text-201505049
Title: Liquefaction and ground failure - General report session III
Creator(s): Iai, Susumu; Ledbetter, R. H.; Figueroa, J. Ludwig; Muraleetharan, Kanthasamy K.; Yasuda, S.