Identifier: Software-LAYERZIP
Title: LAYER: Deconvolution of Surface Accelerograms for Horizontally Stratified Soil Layers
Creator(s): Rukos, Eduardo A.
Identifier: Text-1000489
Title: Earthquake Analysis of Interacting Ground-Structure Systems
Creator(s): Rukos, Eduardo A.; Wilson, Edward L.
Identifier: Text-300340
Title: Dynamic Response Analysis of Two-Dimensional Structures With Initial Stresses and Non-Homogeneous Damping
Creator(s): Wilson, Edward L.; Farhoomand, Iraj; Rukos, Eduardo A.
Identifier: Text-360341
Title: LAYER : deconvolution of surface accelerograms for horizontally stratified soil layers
Creator(s): Rukos, Eduardo A.
Identifier: Text-S18812
Title: Earthquake behavior of soft sites in Mexico City
Creator(s): Rukos, Eduardo A.
Identifier: Text-S21890
Title: Continuous finite elements
Creator(s): Rukos, Eduardo A.
Identifier: Text-S24000
Title: Earthquake analysis of interacting ground-structure systems
Creator(s): Rukos, Eduardo A.; Wilson, Edward L.
Identifier: Text-S35897
Title: LAYER : deconvolution of surface accelerograms for horizontally stratified soil layers
Creator(s): Rukos, Eduardo A.