Identifier: Software-TEMPOR2ZIP
Title: TEMPOR2 Software
Creator(s): Bazant, Zdenek P.; Chern, Jenn-Chuan; Thonguthai, Werapol
Identifier: Text-200612121
Title: Microplane model for fracture analysis of concrete structures
Creator(s): Bazant, Zdenek P.; Oh, Byung H.
Identifier: Text-200701241
Title: Axisymmetric Finite Element Program for Calculating Pore Pressure, Moisture Content, and Temperature in Concrete
Creator(s): Bazant, Zdenek P.; Chern, Jenn-Chuan; Thonguthai, Werapol
Identifier: Text-300346
Title: Numerical Analysis of a Long-Time Deformation of a Thick-Walled Concrete Cylinder
Creator(s): Bazant, Zdenek P.
Identifier: Text-300347
Title: Thermodynamic Theory of Concrete Deformation at Variable Temperature and Humidity
Creator(s): Bazant, Zdenek P.
Identifier: Text-Lib050124
Title: Localization of softening damage in frames and implications for earthquake resistance
Creator(s): Bazant, Zdenek P.; Kazemi, Mohammad T.
Identifier: Text-S36783
Title: TEMPOR2, user's manual : axisymmetric finite element program for calculating pore pressure, moisture content, and temperature in concrete at temperatures from 0C to 800C
Creator(s): Bazant, Zdenek P.; Chern, Jenn C.; Thonguthai, Werapol