Identifier: Text-201207191
Title: Prediction of higher mode story drift response for multi-story buildings under earthquake motions
Creator(s): Kuramoto, Hiroshi
Identifier: Text-201208016
Title: Three dimensional non-linear FEM analysis of CES beam-columns joints
Creator(s): Matsui, Tomoya; Kuramoto, Hiroshi
Identifier: Text-201208017
Title: Evaluation of shear strength of interior beam-column joints for composite EWECS structural systems
Creator(s): Fauzan; Kuramoto, Hiroshi; Meas, Kimreth
Identifier: Text-2014021815
Title: Response analysis of reinforced concrete wall - frame structure considering strength deterioration
Creator(s): Matsui, Tomoya; Kabeyasawa, Toshimi; Kuramoto, Hiroshi
Identifier: Text-201404014
Title: Prediction of higher mode shear response for multistory buildings under earthquake motions
Creator(s): Kuramoto, Hiroshi
Identifier: Text-201404029
Title: Hysteresis modeling of RC shear walls based on static loading test
Creator(s): Akita, Tomofusa; Kuramoto, Hiroshi; Matsui, Tomoya; Kabeyasawa, Toshimi
Identifier: Text-201411246
Title: Prediction of earthquake response of buildings using equivalent single-degree-of-freedom system
Creator(s): Kuramoto, Hiroshi; Teshigawara, Masaomi
Identifier: Text-201412015
Title: Design and analysis of a six-story reinforced concrete frame-wall system with soft first story for shaking table test
Creator(s): Kabeyasawa, Toshimi; Sanada, Yasushi; Kuramoto, Hiroshi
Identifier: Text-201412022
Title: Sub-structure pseudo dynamic testing on 6-story reinforced concrete frame with soft first story
Creator(s): Kuramoto, Hiroshi; Kabeyasawa, Toshimi
Identifier: Text-2014121215
Title: Test on concrete encased steel composite columns using FRC
Creator(s): Kuramoto, Hiroshi; Adachi, Tomohiro; Kawasaki, Kiyohiko
Identifier: Text-2014121812
Title: Dynamic test and analysis of reinforced concrete wall elements
Creator(s): Kabeyasawa, Toshimi; Matui, Tomoya; Kato, Atsushi; Kuramoto, Hiroshi; Nagashima, Ichiro