Identifier: Text-200707192
Title: Health monitoring of civil infrastructures using wireless sensor networks
Creator(s): Kim, Sukun; Pakzad, Shamim N,; Culler, David E.; Demmel, James W.; Fenves, Gregory L.; Glaser, Steven D.; Turon, Martin
Identifier: Text-200808294
Title: Downhole seismic arrays and system identification of soil response
Creator(s): Glaser, Steven D.
Identifier: Text-201407171
Title: System identification of soil response by affordable downhole seismic arrays
Creator(s): Glaser, Steven D.
Identifier: Text-301347
Title: Recent Developments in the Formulation of Assumed Enhanced Strain Finite Elements for Finite Deformation Problems
Creator(s): Glaser, Steven D.; Armero, Francisco
Identifier: Text-S31602
Title: Estimating soil parameters important for lifeline siting using system identification techniques
Creator(s): Glaser, Steven D.
Identifier: Text-S31603
Title: Estimating in situ liquefaction potential and permanent ground displacements due to liquefaction for the siting of lifelines
Creator(s): Glaser, Steven D.
Identifier: Text-S33454
Title: Preliminary processing of the Lotung LSST data
Creator(s): Glaser, Steven D.; Leeds, Alena L.