Identifier: Text-201110183
Title: Seismic testing of a full-scale mide-rise building: the NEESWood capstone test
Creator(s): Pei, Shiling; Van de Lindt, John W.; Pryor, Steven E.; Shimizu, Hidemaru; Isoda, Hiroshi; Rammer, Douglas R.
Identifier: Text-201204021
Title: Damages of wooden houses caused by 2011 Great East Japan earthquake and tsunami
Creator(s): Koshihara, Mikio; Kawai, Naohito; Isoda, Hiroshi; Tsuchimoto, Takahiro
Identifier: Text-201412018
Title: Deviation of plastic deformation and equivalent damping ratio on single degree of freedom system
Creator(s): Teshigawara, Masaomi; Isoda, Hiroshi; Izumi, Nobuyuki
Identifier: Text-201412128
Title: Development of health monitoring system for an existing building
Creator(s): Teshigawara, Masaomi; Isoda, Hiroshi
Identifier: Text-201609122
Title: Seismic modeling of index woodframe buildings
Creator(s): Isoda, Hiroshi; Folz, Bryan R.; Filiatrault, André