Identifier: Text-201110183
Title: Seismic testing of a full-scale mide-rise building: the NEESWood capstone test
Creator(s): Pei, Shiling; Van de Lindt, John W.; Pryor, Steven E.; Shimizu, Hidemaru; Isoda, Hiroshi; Rammer, Douglas R.
Identifier: Text-201405077
Title: Next generation hysteretic models for development of a performance based seismic design philosophy for wood frame construction
Creator(s): Pei, Shiling; Van de Lindt, John W.; Rosowsky, David V.; Pang, WeiChiang
Identifier: Text-2014082913
Title: Adequacy of FEMA 356 drift criteria in the performance based seismic design of wood frame structures
Creator(s): Van de Lindt, John W.; Liu, Hongyan
Identifier: Text-2014082918
Title: A Slepian model approach to seismic reliability of structures
Creator(s): Van de Lindt, John W.; Niedzwecki, John M.
Identifier: Text-2015060817
Title: Earthquake response statistics using a polynomial wood shear wall model
Creator(s): Van de Lindt, John W.; Walz, Matthew A.