Identifier: Text-201105182
Title: Analysis of horizontal earth movements in the Long Beach harbor area
Creator(s): Grant, U. S.
Identifier: Text-201105183
Title: A Further analysis of horizontal earth movements in the Long Beach Harbor Area: part 1, the elliptical plate analogy
Creator(s): Grant, U. S.
Identifier: Text-201105185
Title: A Further analysis of horizontal earth movements in the Long Beach Harbor Area: part 2
Creator(s): Grant, U. S.
Identifier: Text-201105186
Title: Report on the subsidence of Long Beach Harbor Area
Creator(s): Gilluly, James; Johnson, Harry R.; Grant, U. S.
Identifier: Text-201105188
Title: Analysis of reports by Frederic R. Harris, Inc., on "Subsidence of Terminal Island, Long Beach, California, its probable causes, extent, and future effects."
Creator(s): Gilluly, James; Grant, U. S.