The Earthquake Engineering Online Archive  NISEE e-Library

Icon Identifier: Text-201104132
Title: Recommendations for earthquake resistance in the design and construction of woodframe buildings: Part I recommendations
Creator(s): Cobeen, Kelly E.; Russell, James E.; Dolan, J. Daniel

Icon Identifier: Text-201104133
Title: Recommendations for earthquake resistance in the design and construction of woodframe buildings: Part II topical discussions
Creator(s): Cobeen, Kelly E.; Russell, James E.; Dolan, J. Daniel

Icon Identifier: Text-201112134
Title: The Dynamic response of timber shear walls
Creator(s): Dolan, J. Daniel

Icon Identifier: Text-201308054
Title: Sequential phased displacement tests of wood-framed shear walls with corners
Creator(s): Dolan, J. Daniel; Heine, Christian P.

Icon Identifier: Text-201403147
Title: Update of the FEMA Home Builders' Guide to Earthquake-Resistant Design and Construction
Creator(s): Dolan, J. Daniel; Cobeen, Kelly E.; Russell, James E.; Heiderd, Claret M.; Mahoney, Michael

Icon Identifier: Text-201406246
Title: Analytical Evaluation of earthquake performance for code and above-code construction for the Home Builders' Guide to Earthquake-Resistant Design and Construction
Creator(s): Cobeen, Kelly E.; Dolan, J. Daniel

Icon Identifier: Text-2015060211
Title: The CUREE-Caltech woodframe project preliminary recommendations for codes, standards and guidelines
Creator(s): Russell, James E.; Cobeen, Kelly E.; Dolan, J. Daniel; Hall, John F.

Icon Identifier: Text-201609134
Title: Design methodology of diaphragm
Creator(s): Dolan, J. Daniel; Carradine, David M.; Bott, James Wescott; Easterling, W. Samuel

Icon Identifier: Text-S35990
Title: Monotonic and cyclic short-term performance of nailed and bolted timber connections
Creator(s): Gutshall, Scott T.; Dolan, J. Daniel