Identifier: Software-EQRISKZIP
Title: EQRISK: Evaluation of Sites for Earthquake Risk
Creator(s): McGuire, Robin K.
Identifier: Text-200803144
Title: Methodology for incorporating parameter uncertainties into seismic hazard analysis for low risk design intensities
Creator(s): McGuire, Robin K.
Identifier: Text-200805083
Title: Live load effects in office buildings
Creator(s): McGuire, Robin K.; Cornell, C. Allin
Identifier: Text-201211214
Title: Seismic hazard and risk analysis (Persian translation of text by Mehdi Zare)
Creator(s): McGuire, Robin K.; Zare, Mehdi
Identifier: Text-2013031320
Title: The usefulness of ground motion duration in predicting the severity of seismic shaking
Creator(s): McGuire, Robin K.; Barnhard, Theodore P.
Identifier: Text-2015060917
Title: Efficient and accurate estimates of earthquake risk for structures
Creator(s): McGuire, Robin K.; Moore, Kevin S.; Stone, Thomas; Poland, Chris D.
Identifier: Text-314537
Title: A study of factors influencing floor response spectra in nonlinear multi-degree-of-freedom structures
Creator(s): Sewell, Robert T.; Cornell, C. Allin; Toro, Gabriel R.; McGuire, Robin K.
Identifier: Text-950261
Title: Fortran computer program for seismic risk analysis
Creator(s): McGuire, Robin K.
Identifier: Text-S20762
Title: Linear and nonlinear response of structures and equipment to California and eastern United States earthquakes
Creator(s): Toro, G. R.; McGuire, Robin K.; Cornell, C. A.; Sewell, R. T.
Identifier: Text-S21180
Title: Proceedings : earthquake ground-motion estimation in eastern North America
Creator(s): McGuire, Robin K.; Schneider, John F.
Identifier: Text-S22424
Title: Future earthquake losses in the Los Angeles, California, region : a one-day seminar
Creator(s): McGuire, Robin K.
Identifier: Text-S25065
Title: Creep of concrete under stochastic live load
Creator(s): McGuire, Robin K.; Cornell, Carl A.
Identifier: Text-S25126
Title: Probab[i]listic procedures for assessing soil liquefaction potential
Creator(s): McGuire, Robin K.
Identifier: Text-S26544
Title: Insights from the Chinese earthquake catalog on stationary models used for seismic hazard assessment
Creator(s): McGuire, Robin K.
Identifier: Text-S26630
Title: Seismic structural response risk analysis, incorporating peak response regressions on earthquake magnitude and distance
Creator(s): McGuire, Robin K.
Identifier: Text-S26631
Title: FRISK : computer program for seismic risk analysis using faults as earthquake sources
Creator(s): McGuire, Robin K.
Identifier: Text-S26667
Title: Earthquake recurrence in the San Francisco Bay region, California, from fault slip and seismic moment
Creator(s): Shedlock, Kay M.; McGuire, Robin K.; Herd, Darrell G.
Identifier: Text-S30575
Title: Seismic hazard evaluation for the high-flux isotope reactor (HFIR) Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee : final report
Creator(s): McGuire, Robin K.; Toro, Gabriel R.
Identifier: Text-S31792
Title: The practice of earthquake hazard assessment
Creator(s): McGuire, Robin K.
Identifier: Text-S34811
Title: Impact of ground motion characterization on conservatism and variability in seismic risk estimates
Creator(s): Sewell, R. T.; Toro, G. R.; McGuire, Robin K.
Identifier: Text-S36673
Title: Fortran computer program for seismic risk analysis
Creator(s): McGuire, Robin K.
Identifier: Text-S38087
Title: Technical basis for revision of regulatory guidance on design ground motions : hazard- and risk consistent ground motion spectra guidelines
Creator(s): McGuire, Robin K.; Silva, Walter J.; Costantino, C. J.
Identifier: Text-S38178
Title: Technical basis for revision of regulatory guidance on design ground motions : development of hazard- and risk consistent seismic spectra for two sites
Creator(s): McGuire, Robin K.; Silva, Walter J.; Costantino, C. J.
Identifier: Text-S39315
Title: Seismic hazard and risk analysis
Creator(s): McGuire, Robin K.
Identifier: Text-S40513
Title: The Colorado earthquake of November 7, 1882 : size, epicentral location, intensities, and possible causitive fault
Creator(s): McGuire, Robin K.; Krusi, Alan; Oaks, Sherry D.