Identifier: Text-201003016
Title: State normalization of penetration resistance and the effect of overburden stress on liquefaction resistance
Creator(s): Boulanger, Ross W.; Idriss, Izzat M.
Identifier: Text-2010042611
Title: Evaluating the potential for liquefaction or cyclic failure of silts and clays
Creator(s): Boulanger, Ross W.; Idriss, Izzat M.
Identifier: Text-201111182
Title: Evaluating seismic risk in engineering practice
Creator(s): Idriss, Izzat M.
Identifier: Text-201306209
Title: NGA-West2 model for estimating average horizontal values of pseudo-absolute spectral accelerations generated by crustal earthquakes
Creator(s): Idriss, Izzat M.
Identifier: Text-201308215
Title: Influence of soil conditions on ground motions during earthquakes
Creator(s): Seed, H. Bolton; Idriss, Izzat M.
Identifier: Text-201404141
Title: Seismic response of horizontal soil layers
Creator(s): Idriss, Izzat M.; Seed, H. Bolton
Identifier: Text-201503161
Title: Engineering characterization of ground motion - Task 11 : Soil-structure interaction effects on structural response
Creator(s): Luco, Juan Enrique; Wong, H. L.; Chang, C.- Y.; Power, Maurice S.; Idriss, Izzat M.
Identifier: Text-201601044
Title: Characteristics of earthquake ground motions
Creator(s): Idriss, Izzat M.
Identifier: Text-S29029
Title: Primary variables influencing generation of earthquake ground motions by a deconvolution process
Creator(s): Idriss, Izzat M.; Akky, M. R.