The Earthquake Engineering Online Archive  NISEE e-Library

Icon Identifier: Text-2010022314
Title: Liquefaction hazard mapping for Memphis / Shelby County, Tennessee
Creator(s): Romero-Hudock, S.; Rix, Glenn J.

Icon Identifier: Text-2014031410
Title: Validation of ground motions in the Upper Mississippi embayment
Creator(s): Lawrence, B. K.; Rix, Glenn J.; Mayne, Paul W.

Icon Identifier: Text-201407022
Title: Soil attenuation relationships and seismic hazard analyses in the Upper Mississippi embayment
Creator(s): Fernández, J. Alfredo; Rix, Glenn J.

Icon Identifier: Text-201408061
Title: Correlations between shear wave velocity and cone tip resistance in natural clays
Creator(s): Mayne, Paul W.; Rix, Glenn J.

Icon Identifier: Text-2015071614
Title: Site response in the Upper Mississippi embayment
Creator(s): Romero, Salome; Rix, Glenn J.

Icon Identifier: Text-S31800
Title: Geophysical techniques for site and material characterization : Atlanta, Georgia, June 1993
Creator(s): Rix, Glenn J.; Santamarina, J. C.

Icon Identifier: Text-S35783
Title: Simultaneous inversion of Rayleigh phase velocity and attenuation for near-surface site characterization
Creator(s): Lai, Carlo G.; Rix, Glenn J.