Identifier: Text-61000786
Title: Solution techniques for linear and nonlinear dynamics of structures modeled by finite elements
Creator(s): Adeli, Hojjat
Identifier: Text-S20578
Title: A knowledge-based approach for the evaluation of performance of buildings during the Whittier (California) earthquake
Creator(s): Adeli, Hojjat
Identifier: Text-S27518
Title: Dynamic response of foundations with arbitrary geometries
Creator(s): Adeli, Hojjat; Nemat, Nasser S.
Identifier: Text-S36489
Title: Control, optimization, and smart structures : high-performance bridges and buildings of the future
Creator(s): Adeli, Hojjat; Saleh, Amgad
Identifier: Text-S40358
Title: The Sirch (Kerman, Iran) earthquake of 28 July 1981, a field investigation
Creator(s): Adeli, Hojjat