Identifier: Text-2009102715
Title: Experimental and analytical studies of fixed-base and seismically isolated liquid storage tanks
Creator(s): Calugaru, Vladimir; Mahin, Stephen A.
Identifier: Text-201107141
Title: Response of tall cantilever wall buildings to strong pulse type seismic excitation
Creator(s): Calugaru, Vladimir; Panagiotou, Marios
Identifier: Text-201112193
Title: Earthquake-resistant and resilient tall reinforced concrete buildings using base isolation and rocking core-walls
Creator(s): Calugaru, Vladimir; Panagiotou, Marios
Identifier: Text-201212041
Title: Seismic responses of 20-story base-isolated and fixed-base RC structural wall buildings subjected to near-fault ground shaking
Creator(s): Calugaru, Vladimir; Panagiotou, Marios
Identifier: Text-2016010815
Title: Seismic isolation using single and dual shear hinging of tall cantilever wall buildings subjected to strong ground shaking
Creator(s): Calugaru, Vladimir; Panagiotou, Marios