Identifier: Text-2009102210
Title: Three-dimensional shaking table tests on seismic response of reduced-scale steel rocking frames
Creator(s): Midorikawa, Mitsumasa
Identifier: Text-201203296
Title: Earthquake and tsunami damage on steel buildings caused by the 2011 Tohuku Japan Earthquake
Creator(s): Midorikawa, Mitsumasa; Nishiyama, Isao; Tada, Motohide; Terada, Takehiko
Identifier: Text-2014071011
Title: Questionnaire survey to inhabitants' impression on performance of seismically isolated buildings in the 2004 mid-Niigata earthquake of Japan
Creator(s): Azuhata, Tatsuya; Iiba, Masanori; Inoue, Namihiko; Midorikawa, Mitsumasa