The Earthquake Engineering Online Archive  NISEE e-Library

Icon Identifier: Text-S28412
Title: Strong motion accelerograms: [Mammoth Lakes earthquakes, May 25-31, 1980]
Creator(s): Scholl, Roger E.

Icon Identifier: Text-S28579
Title: Evolving earthquake hazard mitigation practices : implications from the recent Chile, Mexico, and El Salvador earthquakes : seminar, 1988 annual meeting, February 4, 1988, Mesa, Arizona
Creator(s): Scholl, Roger E.

Icon Identifier: Text-S34432
Title: Proceedings, strong-ground-motion simulation and earthquake engineering applications : Los Altos, California, April 30-May 3, 1984
Creator(s): Scholl, Roger E.; King, J. L.

Icon Identifier: Text-S36743
Title: Effectiveness of added damping and stiffness elements for reducing damage to structures
Creator(s): White, William H.; Scholl, Roger E.