Identifier: Text-200908101
Title: Lessons learnt from the UCSD full-scale shake table testing on a 7-story residential building slice
Creator(s): Panagiotou, Marios; Restrepo, Jose I.
Identifier: Text-20100714119
Title: Visual inspection & capacity assessment of earthquake damaged reinforced concrete bridge elements
Creator(s): Veletzos, Marc; Restrepo, Jose I.; Sahs, Stephen; Panagiotou, Marios
Identifier: Text-2011021010
Title: Nonlinear cyclic truss model for strength degrading reinforced concrete plane stress elements
Creator(s): Panagiotou, Marios; Restrepo, Jose I.
Identifier: Text-2012041812
Title: Replay of the 2011 Mw 9.0 Great East Japan earthquake in simulated real-time mode with integrated 1 Hz GPS and 100 Hz accelerometer data for rapid source characterization, earthquake response spectra and tsunami prediction
Creator(s): Bock, Yehuda; Melgar, Diego; Crowell, Brendan W.; Sanchez, Dominga; Restrepo, Jose I.
Identifier: Text-201204304
Title: The 2010 Great Chile earthquake - changes to design codes
Creator(s): Bonelli, Patricio; Restrepo, Jose I.; Boroschek, Ruben L.; Cravallo, Jorge F.
Identifier: Text-201305303
Title: Seismic response of composite concrete-dual steel shell columns for accelerated bridge construction
Creator(s): Guerrini, Gabriele; Restrepo, Jose I.
Identifier: Text-201305304
Title: Bridge column response to ground shaking induced by a shake table
Creator(s): Schoettler, Matthew J.; Restrepo, Jose I.; Guerrini, Gabriele; Duck, David; Carrea, Francesco
Identifier: Text-2013070912
Title: Seismic response of sacrificial exterior shear keys in bridge abutments
Creator(s): Bozorgzadeh, Azadeh; Megally, Sami Hanna; Restrepo, Jose I.; Ashford, Scott A.
Identifier: Text-201307095
Title: Seismic response of precast segmental bridge superstructures
Creator(s): Veletzos, Marc J.; Restrepo, Jose I.; Seible, Frieder
Identifier: Text-201401162
Title: Testing of pile-deck connections for container wharf structures
Creator(s): Krier, C.; Restrepo, Jose I.; Yin, P.; Jaradat, O. A.; Weismair, M.
Identifier: Text-201401301
Title: Improved seismic performance of precast segmental bridges by using jointed column connections and unbounded tendons
Creator(s): Veletzos, Marc J.; Restrepo, Jose I.
Identifier: Text-2014021415
Title: Development of seismic design methodology for precast diaphragms
Creator(s): Fleischman, R. B.; Restrepo, Jose I.; Sause, Richard; Naito, Clay J.; Ghosh, S. K.
Identifier: Text-2014022410
Title: Seismic response of reinforced concrete wall buildings
Creator(s): Panagiotou, Marios; Restrepo, Jose I.; Conte, Joel P.; Englekirk, Robert E.
Identifier: Text-201402278
Title: Bidirectional testing of a retrofitted bridge pier in BART's West Oakland aerial guideway
Creator(s): Schoettler, Matthew J.; Restrepo, Jose I.; Seible, Frieder; Matsuda, E.
Identifier: Text-201403193
Title: Seismic performance evaluation of gypsum wallboard partitions
Creator(s): Lang, A. F.; Restrepo, Jose I.
Identifier: Text-201404216
Title: Effect of backfill soil type on stiffness and ultimate capacity of bridge abutments : large scale tests
Creator(s): Bozorgzadeh, Azadeh; Ashford, Scott A.; Restrepo, Jose I.
Identifier: Text-2014042510
Title: Investigation of the axial load transfer mechanism within cast-in-steel-sheep piles
Creator(s): Gebman, Michael; Ashford, Scott A.; Restrepo, Jose I.
Identifier: Text-201407164
Title: Concrete column blind prediction contest 2010: outcomes and observations
Creator(s): Terzic, Vesna; Schoettler, Matthew J.; Restrepo, Jose I.; Mahin, Stephen A.
Identifier: Text-201410161
Title: Shake-table test response of bridge columns supported on rocking shallow foundations
Creator(s): Antonellis, Grigorios; Gavras, G. A.; Panagiotou, Marios; Kutter, Bruce L.; Guerrini, Gabriele; Sander, A.; Fox, P. J.; Restrepo, Jose I.; Mahin, Stephen A.
Identifier: Text-201505061
Title: A Full-Scale, single-column bridge bent tested by shake-table excitation
Creator(s): Schoettler, Matthew J.; Restrepo, Jose I.; Guerrini, Gabriele; Duck, David; Carrea, Francesco
Identifier: Text-201509117
Title: Shake table response of a full scale reinforced concrete wall building slice
Creator(s): Panagiotou, Marios; Restrepo, Jose I.; Conte, Joel P.; Englekirk, Robert E.
Identifier: Text-201510151
Title: Displacement based design of rocking walls incorporating hysteretic energy dissipators
Creator(s): Toranzo-Dianderas, L. A.; Carr, Athol J.; Restrepo, Jose I.
Identifier: Text-201603235
Title: Self-centering precast concrete dual-steel-shell columns for accelerated bridge construction: seismic performance, analysis, and design
Creator(s): Guerrini, Gabriele; Restrepo, Jose I.; Vervelidis, Athanassios; Massari, Milena
Identifier: Text-202103243
Title: Blind prediction of shaking table tests of a new bridge bent design
Creator(s): Günay, M. Selim; Hu, Fan; Mosalam, Khalid M.; Nema, Arpit; Restrepo, Jose I.; Zsarnoczay, Adam; Baker, Jack W.
Identifier: Text-202103244
Title: Low seismic damage columns for accelerated bridge construction
Creator(s): Nema, Arpit; Restrepo, Jose I.
Identifier: Text-S21144
Title: Seismic load tests on midspan connections between precast concrete beams : 3rd progress report on the research project on the seismic performance of precast concrete frames
Creator(s): Restrepo, Jose I.; Park, Robert; Buchanan, A.
Identifier: Text-S21617
Title: Seismic load tests on midspan and beam-column joint connections between precast concrete beams : Fourth progress report on the research project on the seismic performance of precast concrete frames
Creator(s): Restrepo, Jose I.; Park, Robert; Buchanan, A.