The Earthquake Engineering Online Archive  NISEE e-Library

Icon Identifier: Text-S20800
Title: Proceedings U.S.-Japan Workshop on Urban Earthquake Hazards Reduction : held at Stanford University, July 29-August 1, 1984
Creator(s): Scawthorn, Charles R.; Arnold, Christopher; Scholl, Roger E.

Icon Identifier: Text-S23747
Title: The Anticipated Tokai earthquake : Japanese prediction and preparedness activities
Creator(s): Bertero, Vitelmo V.; Scawthorn, Charles R.

Icon Identifier: Text-S27720
Title: Techniques for rapid assessment of seismic vulnerability : proceedings of a session at Structures Congress '86
Creator(s): Scawthorn, Charles R.

Icon Identifier: Text-S29366
Title: Seismic damage model for lwo-rise buildings
Creator(s): Scawthorn, Charles R.

Icon Identifier: Text-S29367
Title: The influence of natural hazards on urban housing location
Creator(s): Scawthorn, Charles R.

Icon Identifier: Text-S31148
Title: Estimation of earthquake losses in Los Angeles : damage scenarios under varying earthquake research effort
Creator(s): Scawthorn, Charles R.; Gates, William E.

Icon Identifier: Text-S31716
Title: Fire following earthquake : conflagration potential in the in greater Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle and Memphis areas
Creator(s): Scawthorn, Charles R.; Khater, Mahmoud

Icon Identifier: Text-S31806
Title: Hokkaido Nansei-oki, Japan earthquake of July 12, 1993
Creator(s): Yanev, Peter I.; Scawthorn, Charles R.

Icon Identifier: Text-S34017
Title: A locational approach to seismic risk mitigation : status report
Creator(s): Scawthorn, Charles R.

Icon Identifier: Text-S37025
Title: The Marmara, Turkey, earthquake of August 17, 1999 : reconnaissance report
Creator(s): Scawthorn, Charles R.; Bruneau, Michel

Icon Identifier: Text-S37103
Title: Secure data centers from seismic disturbances
Creator(s): Scawthorn, Charles R.; Gates, William E.

Icon Identifier: Text-S37111
Title: Fire-related aspects of the Northridge earthquake
Creator(s): Scawthorn, Charles R.; Cowell, Andrew D.; Borden, Frank

Icon Identifier: Text-S38417
Title: Earthquake engineering handbook
Creator(s): Chen, Wai F.; Scawthorn, Charles R.

Icon Identifier: Text-S39208
Title: Dynamic test of adobe building model : preliminary report
Creator(s): Scawthorn, Charles R.

Icon Identifier: Text-S39562
Title: Fire following earthquake
Creator(s): Scawthorn, Charles R.; Eidinger, John M.; Schiff, Anshel J.